Tell Attorney General Holder: "Speak the Truth!"

From SAVE:

Attorney General Eric Holder (the first African-American to hold the position), claimed in a 2009 speech: "Intimate partner homicide is the leading cause of death for African-American women ages 15 to 45." ( The problem with his shocking statement is that it is not true. As revealed in a recent USA Today editorial, the Centers for Disease Control reports the leading causes of death for African-American women in this age group are cancer, heart disease, unintentional injuries, and HIV disease," (

So why has this myth remained on the Justice Department website for well over a year?

Victims of intimate violence are best served by the truth. Contact Attorney General Eric Holder today and ask him to speak honestly about domestic violence.

Contact Attorney General Holder TODAY:

* Email:
* Telephone: 202-514-2000
* Fax: 202-307-6777

Explain to Attorney General Eric Holder that you expect the Department of Justice website to contain only truthful information. Tell him to remove his inaccurate claim immediately, and to establish a Task Force to verify the truthfulness of domestic violence information at the Office of Violence Against Women and elsewhere on the DoJ website.

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Because our legal system is radical gender feminist. That is why.

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