"Crisis Control Center tackles domestic violence this Super Bowl season"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Football fans across the nation are patiently waiting for that historical day in American history when their football champion is finally named. While the beloved commercials are playing on the television and the dogs are out grilling at half-time, the local Crisis Control Center in Durant will be tackling domestic violence in their first ever “Tackle Domestic Violence” fundraiser.

Advocate for the Crisis Control Center Anna Marcy said their board members have done it again and the center is very excited to start the fundraiser which is geared to raise money for the program. She said with recent budget cuts statewide, their board members have went above and beyond to make sure their center does not suffer any financial loss.
Crisis Control Center board member Tim Boatmun said the organization does not care how you celebrate your Super Bowl Sunday as long as you are thinking of those in need. He said the weekend has one of the highest incidences of domestic violence and sexual assault than any other weekend during the year. Boatmun said such factors as alcohol and betting help contribute to these high numbers.'

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It's pretty obvious. In exchange for propagating lies, they hope to make money and break even for the year-- maybe. It's that simple.

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I propose that we need to counteract this crap. We need to fundraise to buy a tv ad in next years Super Bowl. Then have some sort of famous person say the following:
"Every year thousands of men in relationships, like you and me, are abused. Unfortunately there are almost no Men's Shelters or properly funded support programs for these men. Maybe this is why men make up the most homeless people in our country? And the most suicides? Support the establishment of Men Shelters across the country by donating to (charity of some sort, maybe NCFM) or encourage your elected representative to support men's shelters. You can make a difference."

What better way to expose the men's rights movement then a day when millions of men are watching?

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An event that highlights male athletics. Competition, sportsmanship, strength, & endurance. Is their anything feminists hate more? Its more about jealousy than domestic abuse. They resent the fact the WNBA plays in front of empty seats.

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Good idea (but EXPENSIVE), but you'd need to add in something about how superbowl and it's patrons are regularly attacked and men held responsible for the domestic violence... Just as an added punch to the insult of not having shelters of our own. IE, we can be blamed for the violence, but not help when we're the victims. And it's greater then thousands.

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I don't live in the US but those of you who do should really start finding way to pull this superbowl add idea ahead and deal a decisive blow to feminazist propaganda.

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