CNN: Why homeless women have it worse than men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Danielle Berger: Your program focuses on women. Why women, not men?

Roseanna Means: There are so many things that women have to deal with more so than men do -- reproductive years, and then mammograms, then menopause. A lot of women's health is preventive care, and if women lose out on those screening tests, their lives are in danger.

In the world of homelessness, there are lots of emotional issues, psychiatric issues, women who have been beaten up so many times they can't connect the dots. They don't have an address. They don't have a phone. They're all sitting in a shelter together, but they're not necessarily friends. There's not a common bond of, "We're all in this together." Everybody is struggling. Everybody's isolated. Everybody's miserable.'

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... women are just more important than men, even when living on the street...

With attitudes like hers, gee, it's OK to ignore homeless men and route all the aid to homeless women instead. Again, "Women first! And only!"

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Aww, the poor dears, all sitting ins SHELTERS with no friends and no mammograms. And what exactly does she think homeless men are doing with their time? Staying at the Hilton with complementary prostate exams and counseling?

No homeless men as LITERALLY freezing to death in cardboard boxes on streets. They don't have shelters, their mental health issues are the most ignored of all. They have concrete and if they are LUCKY the misdemeanor they committed in November will keep them locked up until March so that they have a slim chance of survival for another season cause there's no Men's shelters to provide a bed Dec - Feb. The only option is to purposely commit a crime intending to get caught so that you can get out of the cold for a couple months because they won't keep you in there cause the prisons are already overflowing.

But come on, we all know the ladies have it worse - considering they make up the majority of the homeless population - oh, wait, they don't even make up 10% of the homeless population.

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"We're all in this together." Everybody is struggling. Everybody's isolated. Everybody's miserable."

Now that's ironic.

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I left a few comments, but I'm not sure they'll get through, or if they get through, how long they'll stay up at misandrist CNN.

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Many homeless men are vets who ended up with substantial problems--lost limbs, PTSD--after being drafted to serve in the military. Some went voluntarily, of course, but after serving their country, many have been left to deal with serious problems on their own. Men are disposable--we use their bodies for defense, then dispose of them.

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If this woman doesn't want to help homeless men, so be it. I'm more annoyed CNN has her story filed under the 'hero' section. Like there's something heroic about equating the value of one life over another. On a positive note, read some of the comments and you'll see the vast majority of men take issue with this piece.

Also, whats up with CNN? They recently ran a piece titled -- 'The End of Men.'

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