Student: Teacher's LAPD Husband Threatened Life Over Sex Affair

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Southern California middle school teacher seduced and molested a 14-year-old student in a sexual affair that lasted several months, until the teacher's husband, a Los Angeles police officer, discovered the relationship and threatened to kill the boy, his family claims in a lawsuit.

The suit, filed Tuesday, claims LAPD officer National Beck threatened to kill the teen and his family with his police department-issued weapon in retaliation for the affair.

The incident allegedly occurred when Beck found his wife, Amy Beck, and the boy in his Burbank, Calif., home and she confessed to the relationship.

Amy Beck met the boy while he was in her sixth-grade class at David Starr Jordan Middle School in Burbank, according to court documents. While the boy was working as her teaching assistant, the family claims that "defendant Beck began a coordinated campaign designed to seduce the victim into having a sexual relationship with her and ultimately began sexually molesting and abusing the victim," the suit alleges.'

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A 14 yo rape victim is threatened by a cop?

What planet are these half witted, self loathing, magical thinking, misandric MALES! imported from?

Of course being a half wit this cop probably did the chivalrous thingie and forgave his cheating wife and viewed her as the victim of a lecherous 14 yo!

Nuts! Completely Nuts!

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at the charts showing intelligence.

many males are high and many are low.

most women fall along the general lines of other women.

i see this all the time at work.

guess we know where this sort of male falls.

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