Teacher suspended for standing by while 2nd-graders perform 'sex acts'

Story here. No mention of the teacher's gender. Statistically it's safe to assume the teacher is female but there is a chance that it's a he and not a she. Stay tuned. In any case, it's beyond disgusting. Excerpt:

'OAKLAND (CBS 5) — A teacher at Oakland’s Markham Elementary School has been suspended indefinitely after school officials said a pair of second-graders performed sex acts on each other in class – with the teacher present.

“I think everyone is taken aback over this shocking incident,” Troy Flint, the spokesman for the Oakland Unified School District, told CBS 5. “Of course, it is hard to understand how that could have occurred.”
In one case, several students apparently took off their clothes and were naked in the classroom. In the second incident, a boy and girl reportedly engaged in oral sex in front of their classmates.

Flint indicated that the suspended teacher, whose name was not released by the school district, was present for both of the incidents.

Flint and Markham principal Pam Booker said they were limited in terms of the details they could release at this time because of the ongoing investigation into the matter.'

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I am going to wait and see if more details emerge before I make a judgement.

Other reports refer to the teacher with the pronoun "he". I do not know the gender of the victims.

The other reports also indicate that the teacher was not aware of what was going on.

It is hard to know what really occurred. I am just glad my kids are not in public school.

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One possibility: male teacher who didn't know it was happening

Other possibility: female teacher who did know it was happening

I would assume that since the teacher's sex wasn't immediately mentioned that it was a female teacher. The media always takes the opportunity to specify sex when a male does something bad. When a woman does something bad or a man does something good, they use gender-neutral terms. It's one way they demonize men.

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Here it indicates it was a he. It doesn't really matter as much as whether he knew.

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