SAVE Expands its Fight for Fact-Based DV Policies

Article here. Excerpt:

'Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) continues to do battle with the beast VAWA. Here’s its latest press release.

SAVE is having a press conference at the Heritage Foundation offices in Washington, DC on January 27th at which Christina Hoff Sommers will speak. Why that date? It’s the anniversary of the Great Super Bowl Hoax who’s timely death no one laments.

You remember the Super Bowl Hoax. That was when radical DV advocates decided that a recent study done by professors at Old Dominion University showed that the bete noire of the DV industry - sports and testosterone enraged men - went crazy on Super Bowl Sunday and beat up their wives and girlfriends.'

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It should be noted that we should now be referring to it as the first superbowl hoax, given the current sex trafficking hoax being perpetrated now.

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