Joint Physical Custody Moves Forward in Minnesota

Article here. Excerpt:

'Cautious optimism, admittedly. But those of us who have long rooted for Olson's tireless efforts on behalf of families will take what we can get.

"Nothing is ever a sure thing, and there are always surprises at the Legislature," said Olson, volunteer founder of the nonpartisan Minnesota-based Center for Parental Responsibility ( "But there is a strong degree of confidence among legislators that JPC will pass both the House and the Senate this session."

JPC is Joint Physical Custody, a bill presuming equally shared parenting after divorce. It's a nod to dads, who are too often marginalized in custody disputes.
Olson isn't slowing down. She was on her way Wednesday night to yet another meeting with another group of lawmakers interested in implementation of JPC, "who wanted to be sure they really understood and none of us were shooting from the hip." She was more than happy to oblige.'

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