Gordon Brown: Global 'youth' unemployment a ticking time bomb

What he really means to say is that the long-term HE-cession that years of neglecting male needs for education and job training will soon become such a problem that pols/ex-pols like him won't be able to drive around in their fancy cars without being encased in bullet-proof windows. My, what a world we are making for ourselves. Article here. Excerpt:

'Gordon Brown will warn on Thursday that the world faces youth unemployment of "epidemic proportions", as he urges joint action by the G20 group of developed and developing nations to tackle rising joblessness.
"Unemployment is an international timebomb for both developed and developing worlds," Brown will say in the Ted Kennedy/John Harvard memorial lecture.

With some labour market analysts predicting that under-25 joblessness in the UK will edge closer to the 1 million level in today's figures, the former prime minister will say: "The world faces global youth unemployment of epidemic proportions."'

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Paul Elam wrote "How To Make a Man-Bomb"

Gordon Brown must have read it.

So finally some common sense.

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I watched the video!

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