NY Times: 'One Man’s Losing Fight Against Ladies’ Nights'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Manhattan lawyer who has filed a series of antifeminist lawsuits in recent years -– with little success — has suffered his latest defeat: the United States Supreme Court refused to hear what he calls his “ladies’ night lawsuit.”
The suit, filed in federal court, was dismissed, and so was a subsequent appeal. Mr. Den Hollander then submitted a petition to the United States Supreme Court on the same issue. He said he received word on Wednesday that the court had refused to hear the case.
Terry O’Neill, president of the National Organization for Women, said that Mr. Den Hollander reminded her of Bobby Riggs, who challenged Billie Jean King to a “battle of the sexes” tennis match in 1973 and then lost.

“He was one of the best things to happen to women’s tennis because he started a national conversation about the inequality of prize money and other issues, for women.”

Regarding Mr. Den Hollander’s “ladies night” lawsuit, she said, “Let’s face it: ladies nights are not actually for the ladies – they’re about men, for men — so why he’s complaining about that I don’t understand.”

Ms. O’Neill caught herself. “I guess I’m getting sincere in the face of a ludicrous argument,” she said.'

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O'neil is soooo feminist. She doesn't mention that Riggs was 55 and had been retired from tennis for some time while BJ King was in her prime and was 25 years younger. She is trying to divert attention away from the standard and default gynocentric goodies that women get automatically and using a lame attempt to say that these benefits are actually for men. What a doofus.

What Den Hollander is showing is that there are subjects that most people, and the Supreme Court will steadfastly refuse to discuss since if they did they would be exposed as bigots. Keep up the great work Mr. Den Hollander! The more they refuse to deal with it the more they are seen as frightened liars who can't face the truth.

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