Australia: Couple aborts twin boys in favor of having girl
Submitted by GreatSouthernLander on Sun, 2011-01-09 10:15
Story here. Excerpt:
'A COUPLE so desperate for a baby girl that they terminated twin boys are fighting to choose the sex of their next child.
The couple, who have three sons and still grieve for a daughter they lost soon after birth, are going to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal to win the right to select sex by IVF treatment.
They say they want the opportunity to have the baby daughter they were tragically denied.
An independent panel, known as the Patient Review Panel, recently rejected the couple's bid to choose the sex of their next child using IVF.
They have gone to VCAT in a bid to have that decision overturned.'
Ed. Note: Submitter's comments are posted in the first comment for this story.
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Submitter's comments
As follows:
"See http://www.quadrant.org.au/
I have been an been avid reader of this publication for many years and have often wondered why it has rarely made the link between dwindling personal responsibilities/yet endless personal choice in the name of individual fulfillment with the radical feminist/feminine/conglomerationist world we live in. They have had sporadic commentary about the ills of modern feminism but normally stick to criticism of the "Left".
I suppose that they are too wrapped up in Gynocentrism (pussy worship/power) http://gynotheory.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2011-01-08T09%3A00%3A00-08%3A00&max-results=1 to take on this subject. But as seems clear lately in the MRM blogosphere it is only a matter of time till these subjects - widespread pandering to feminists,all men are the only problem - begin to be debated in the mainstream. Economic and social forces will eventually come into play. The obvious link to the idea of "choice" in this story is clear."
This story makes me
This story makes me sick!
These people should not be having anymore children!
From the article:
"The [mother], who is consumed by grief over the daughter who died soon after birth, admits she has become obsessed with having a daughter and it has become vital to her psychological health."
Does this not sound like mental illness? Are there any laws forbidding mentally ill people from using procedures like IVF to have children?
Her "health" is now at the expense of everyone in the family. What has it done for the mental health of her 3 sons? or how will a future daughter feel when she learns that 2 twin brothers were aborted so she could be born? And of course the two twin boys paid the ultimate price.
This couple has no respect for human life, ethics, the ability to create children, or for anyone but themselves.
Please, Matt, follow up by posting a "good news" story. I could really use some good news now.
hate to pile on; but,
wasn't it just in the news last week how 41 = % abortings in nyc?
i was very young when roe v wade was found lurking way out there in law trekkie world.
rights were all of a sudden found that were nowhere to be found in real law before.
what i remember was how the feminists kept saying how it would save so many womens' lives.
while at the same time eventually making it more rare. all sugar and spice.
they (s.c.) went behind those familiar closed doors, and poof! abortion legal, so shut up.
50 million later, and here we are.
and people say evil is hard to spot.
It keeps getting worse doesn't it?
David A. DeLong
I really don't have a problem with abortion in most cases. If a woman, and a man, (if there is one present) don't want to bring a child into this world they should not be forced to bring a life in this world that they refuse to be responsible for. Something having to do with the document that this country was supposed to following I do believe. Abortion in some cases shows a higher level of personal responsibility than having the baby and letting someone else care for it.
If a couple cannot conceive children through the normal way perhaps it is a natural way of culling the herd? Should we allow doctors to pervert nature? The impregnation of the egg by the sperm is natures way of providing checks and balances as to the children that are born. Should we allow selfishness, conceit, and blatant egotism to weaken our gene pool? It seems to me that human kind, at least a small part of it would like to see the gene pool decimated, therefore allowing science to have more control over our development, thereby creating the most compliant of slaves for the masters. Two classes of people, the ruling class, and the servant class, oh and let us not forget the true enemies of our brothers and sisters, those that seek positions of power due to personal greed and weakness, those that serve as "managers", or in the old south as slave drivers.
Sick beyond words!