New York Meteorologist Who Allegedly Made Up Attack Story Appears in Court

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK -- A TV meteorologist told police she concocted claims of being attacked because she was under personal and professional stress and wanted attention, a court document released Wednesday shows.

Heidi Jones said nothing as she appeared briefly in a Manhattan court Wednesday to answer misdemeanor charges of false reporting. Her lawyer, Paul F. Callan, said she would fight the charges and had been "unfairly characterized and vilified" in some press reports on her case.

Jones, who has been suspended from her job at New York's local ABC station, told police Dec. 1 that she'd been attacked in Central Park in September and then again outside her apartment in November, according to a court complaint prosecutors filed Wednesday.'

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but usually when somebody's life is a mess, so are their finances.

where can a woman get some free $$ for making accusations, even
unsubstantiated ones? why, claiming the old victim card again.

ever heard of v.a.w.a.? women saying they were victims of violence get all sorts of goodie$$$. probably more than we will ever know.

odd how this aspect NEVER gets asked, or answered. heck, it may
not even be a factor, ever; and, maybe women don't ever lie about rape.
remember that?
not much punishment going to happen either, so far.

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A minimum of 15 years of hard time.
Time for equality ladies.

oregon dad

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"Ultimately, when a detective spoke to Jones again around midnight on Dec. 13, she admitted she'd fabricated the assaults, the court complaint said. "I made it up for attention. I have so much stress at work, with my personal life and with my family," she said, according to the document."

Wow, what would motive someone to just lie in the title when it ends up being less eye catching anyways. I don't even here them say allegedly in the title when their talking about someone simply accused of rape and nothing else.

Are they giving that crap title out of sympathy, fear, or what?

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