Hong Kong Bachelor Skips Marriage & Goes Directly For Surrogate Mother

Article here. The story describes how an affluent Hong Kong businessman skipped marriage and used a surrogate mother to get his three new sons. One quote from the article, offered by a surrogate mother brokering agency employee in California:

"She says about 40% of clients are single men who pay anywhere from $20,000 to $35,000 for a surrogate mother, "depending on her experience.""

Perhaps men have been for too long thinking they needed to get married to have children? Want to avoid all the legal hassles, financial jeopardy, and emotional trauma associated with marriage, but you still want to have kids? Maybe using a surrogate is the way to go? Feminism, and all its efforts to make marriage inhospitable and unattractive, seems to be pushing men into this. At the same time feminism seems to be objecting to the use of surrogates, in part because women often think that the surrogates are forced to do this for money.

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Somebody should write a popular guide for single men, titled something like: "How to skip marriage, how to skip a relationship with women, and still have the children you want." It could popularize surrogate arrangements, and in a round about way, underline how incredibly inhospitable marriage has become for men in many westernized countries.

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fem's never hesitate to pull one worn out victim card after another. just like democrats, imagine that.

sorrogates are forced to do this for $$? victimhood. its their $acred cow.

every topic - another female victim

beware guys, it sounds like the beginning of an excuse to make another law against men. women can have kids w/o men, but many women want the mens' income too bad to let this equality thing get too serious.

they used the same type 'violence' excuse to get i.m.b.r.a. tacked onto v.a.w.a. in the middle of the night, just before signing. one woman got a raw deal and that's all it took, off to the victim races.

fyi - too many men were starting to get interested in foreign brides, so fem's added a bill (i.m.b.r.a.- no vote) that makes it almost impossible for average guy to attempt it, and much more expensive. and, you are required by law to give them so much info. about yourself that someone could easily steal your credit, if so inclined. the info. required is really personal. and (true to form), your poential bride isn't required to tell you squat. the lawyers who craft this corrupt crappy stuff are most surely paid by our tax dollar$ (v.a.w.a.).

that is a good example of why every bill before congress must stand on its own. the nasty stuff gets added later.

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