CNN Opinion: Why men act out against women

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's time for those of us who are good men to start acknowledging the role that male socialization plays in domestic and sexual violence. As good men, we must begin to acknowledge and own our responsibility to be part of the solution to ending violence against women and girls.

What is a good man?

A good man is a man who believes women should be respected. A good man would not assault a woman. A good man believes in equality for women. A good man honors the women in his life. A good man, for all practical purposes, is a nice guy. We believe this to be the majority of men.'

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A good man is a man who believes women should be respected. A good man would not assault a woman. A good man believes in equality for women. A good man honors the women in his life. A good man, for all practical purposes, is a nice guy. We believe this to be the majority of men.'

Sounds like a loyal German Shepard! Nothing against German Shepards (have had 3; wonderful canines!. Or more accurately a loyal medieval serf dependant on his betters for defining his existance. I wonder if this fool is aware of the rank misandry in the family court racket? Or the institutionalized misandry in the media? Does he even know what the word misandry means? What a wuss!

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