She-wolves in sheeps' clothing

Article here. Excerpt:

'Female child abusers are the 21st century equivalent of lesbians in the Victorian age: not legislated against because they do not exist. The nature of woman being incapable of “deviancy”, as the bigoted Victorians said. Hence in New Zealand, the Accident Compensation Corporation was unable to accept claims from boys sexually abused by women, until the law changed in 2005. Prior to that the perpetrator of “sexual indecency” had to be male.

However, statistics indicate that female child abusers not only exist, but in numbers approaching those of males. In New Zealand, 48 per cent of child abusers for 2006, where the perpetrator gender was known, were women. In the USA in 2002 63 per cent of all child abuse, from neglect to sexual abuse, was perpetrated by the mother. In 40 per cent of cases the mother acted alone.

The UK's Lucy Faithfull Foundation estimates women are responsible for 10 per cent of all child sexual abuse and that 5-20 per cent of pedophiles are women. Meanwhile in New Zealand, 40 per cent of the 1,200 men helped by the Christchurch-based Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust (MSSAT) in 2010, were sexually abused by women when they were boys.'

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That was fairly comprehensive and informative. The author made a case for recognizing female perps and to a lesser extent male victims. Overall I'd criticize the lack of personal responsibility he/she gives to the perps and not saying that many men who abuse were victims, poor, lacking support, and PRESSURE TO MAINTAINING WORK... (in fact those ills are more common to men). I think the sensitivity towards females may have been an intentional political one. The title was good though and he/she explained some of the social barriers well.

I like how the author pointed out that kids are at greater risk to single mothers which gives more credence to fathers rights (single mothers aren't always in the best interest of the children).

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The article is not without merit, but there appear to be a lot a *crime* data creeping in. Also, there are stats cited about homicides, rather than killers regardless of the charge. All in all, it seems to have ducked the issue of some of the root causes of these misconceptions surrounding female violence.

"The UK's Lucy Faithfull Foundation estimates women are responsible for 10 per cent of all child sexual abuse and that 5-20 per cent of pedophiles are women."

They 'estimate'?

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