Women leading men in new jobs

Report here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON -- Employers are looking for more highly educated workers, and the bulk of available jobs are in nursing and retail. One American demographic fits that bill.

Women will drive economic recovery in the U.S., according to a new Bank of America Merrill Lynch report. They tend to be better educated than men, and women tend to dominate the industries that are hiring the most workers.

Unemployment rates for last month show there are more out of work men, at 10.6 percent, than women, at 8.9 percent. However, the employment gender gap should disappear once the economy revs up, according to other economists.

"Men saw disproportionate job loss, so it makes sense they would have disproportionate gain," Heidi Shierholz of the Economic Policy Institute tells the Huffington Post.

Shierholz says men dominate jobs related to construction and manufacturing, which took a hard hit during the recession.'

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No. That is like reasoning that if I lose more than you do today at poker, I will win more than you tomorrow when we play again. It all depends on factors that have nothing to do with the past. When the economy recovers (Predictions? Not here.), it remains to be seen what the recovery will include in terms of jobs available and if men will still, as a class, be competitive enough with women in those areas of work.

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