Glenn Beck: Julian Assange in the Crosshairs

Transcript here. Excerpt:

'But let me just call woman number one. She met Assange at a seminar hosted by the Swedish Brotherhood Movement.

She is well-known in radical circles, and in college, was protege of the militant feminist academic holding the post on-campus of campus sexual equity officer - whatever that is.

In the past, woman number one has also had a blog posting that has since been removed called "The Seven Steps to Legal Revenge." That explained how a woman can use courts to get their - to get back on unfaithful lovers. "Step Seven" says go to it and keep your victim in sight. Make sure your victim suffers just as you did.

OK. So, here she is. We know who she is. She is a radical, uber leftist. She is at this panel where he has been invited to speak. Now, remember, this is in August. He was invited to be the key speaker at the seminar on war and the role of the media. This is about the time when Assange was threatening to release more confidential documents.

Now, she claims that she was raped. Really? Because it doesn't show here. And here's why I say that - because the very next evening, she put together a party in honor of him at the apartment that was held after the seminar. Got it? The next day Assange speaks at the seminar.'

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Beck is such an ass-kisser when it comes to the feminists. He's obviously very uncomfortable talking about these things. Why can't he just say that this is an abuse of rape laws? No... he bends over backwards to sound like a white knight... he would never "abuse" his fame by doing something like this. Consider this quote:

"I want you to know, I am not defending Assange. I think he is a dirt bag. I think he is a dirt bag. He obviously has no problem using his 15 minutes of fame to sleep with anyone who is crawling."

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