Police: WABC weather gal in 'rape' lie

Story here. Excerpt:

'WABC/Channel 7 weather babe Heidi Jones was arrested for perpetrating the ultimate snow job -- falsely claiming to cops that a man had tried to rape her while she was jogging in Central Park, sources said yesterday.

Jones, who anchors the station's weekend evening weather coverage and fills in on "Good Morning America," was charged Monday with filing a false report, a Class A misdemeanor. If convicted, she could face up to a year in jail or a $1,000 fine.
Jones spun a story that proved to be as unreliable as a five-day forecast, telling police last month that she was assaulted in September while pounding the pavement in the city's back yard, the sources said.'

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folks mostly want some justice in a no justice legal system.
you really can't use logic to predict the outcomes.
face it, courts have lost it. the entire legal 'profession' isn't a lot to
brag bout these days.

why do women do this, and just how pernicious can this get?
imho, i believe they know a slap on the wrist is likely.
also, v.a.w.a. guarantees $$$, and lots of it to alleged victims of domeestic
violence, or rape. it only requires a claim of same. with the expanded
definitions of these sort if terms it could easily get out of control.
wonder how many men are in jail getting really raped so some halfwit pampered
princess can get a check?

these government handout for halfwit programs are very well funded, by us.

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So far I see no coverage from the NY Times. Never mind how a group of innocent young men were falsely convicted of rape using coerced confessions in the infamous Central Park jogger case. No, the NY Times is too busy covering appliances disappearing from trash cans. www.nytimes.com/2010/12/15/nyregion/15fridge.html?_r=1&ref=nyregion

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....was charged Monday with filing a false report, a Class A misdemeanor. If convicted, she could face up to a year in jail or a $1,000 fine.

A false rape accusation is a rape. This rapists is getting off lightly.

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They are not covering "all the news that's fit to print", like they used to (or at least tried to). They have become a huge editorial/lifestyles section ladled around their news items (only those P.C./fit their agenda), with a decided tone of we're-in-love-with-ourselves as the garnish. The problem with this kind of hubris is that it's a death spiral very hard to come out of because as much as the fact of it may be pointed out to them, they just can't see it. They will deny this reality until they go out of business or get bought by Fox News. :)

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