Jessica Valenti Calls for End to Presumption of Innocence, Due Process

From A Voice for Men:

"Read that again. It's not hyperbole. Under the plan proposed by some Swedish legal experts, once a woman cries "rape," the accused male would be sent away to prison for many years unless he could prove consent." Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'Jessica Valenti's take on the Assange sex case in last Sunday's Washington Post was more of the same old same old, a mish-mash of the usual feminist victim blather about America's supposed tolerance of rape.

But then, just as we are nodding off, Valenti tosses a bucket of ice water on us by -- it seemed to me (you read it and decide for yourself) -- at least tacitly endorsing what would be the most unjust, inhumane, morally grotesque law in our entire jurisprudence. Read carefully what she says:

"...we should look to [Swedish rape laws] as a potential model for our own legislation.

"In fact, some activists and legal experts in Sweden want to change the law there so that the burden of proof is on the accused; the alleged rapist would have to show that he got consent, instead of the victim having to prove that she didn't give it."

Valenti, who, by the way, is not above resorting to the cheap feminist trick of calling a rape accuser "the victim" (which means, of course, that the accused must be a "rapist"), seems to at least tacitly endorse turning the most fundamental act of intimacy, an act that has been performed countless times every minute of every day of every year since the beginning of time the world over, into a presumed felony.
The misandry underlying this proposal is so vile, so breathtaking, that it ought to frighten anyone who possesses a Y-chromosome, and anyone who loves someone who possesses a Y-chromosome. All of us need to be alert to the fact that this proposal lurks out there, and that there are committed zealots in this country who would love for it to be the law of our land.'

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I don't even know how to fully express my anger. I started to email it to a few friends, but they don't read the news enough to understand this sort of thing isn't just a once in a while thing but an all the time thing.

This lady... and the newspaper... I almost expect something like this from the NYT, but not the Washington Post.. I mean.. dear lord. :(

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This also means a lot of women will be going to jail from rape, as women make no effort to make sure they have consent before having sex.

You know, what's good for the goose and the gander and all that.

It's similar to the "a drunk women can't consent to sex" argument. If a drunk woman can't consent to sex, neither can a drunk man. Ergo...

Of course, I'm suffering from my peridoic delusion that the law really could treat both sexes fairly.

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