"What Would You Do?": Woman Drops Powder in Date's Drink

Video here. Caption: "Woman Drops Powder in Date's Drink. 'If you saw a woman apparently drug her date's drink, would you warn him?'"

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The men who witness the event say nothing to the man while the one woman who sees it lets him know the actress spiked the drink. And the man sitting next to the woman who said something said nothing until she did. It's this kind of guys-letting-guys-fend-for-themselves phenomenon that will keep the welfare of men in the dumpster. Until that changes and men start standing up for one another, we will be stuck.

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This is embarrassing.

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we may be witnessing just exactly why guys always get the sort
end of the stick when dealing w/ females doing wrong.

the numbers are too small to put any significance to the data;
however, being a male in this fem-based society, it follows what
we all see and know to be true. we will egg on an obvious gold
digger, yet not even take a bloke aside to inform him he may be in
harm's way.

another possibility is that maybe it is just plain envy. he has the girl, the bucks,
fancy houses, boats, etc, so screw him. i had a best friend who completely
changed (got bitter) when i started improving financially.

could be the guys have had past dealings with our disfuctional legal system,
because the perp is a woman. they are treated as princesses by the majority of
male enforcers. we know that too.

maybe the people running the set were mangynas, trying to prove a point? maybe if played out 500 times, there would be 500 different outcomes. who can say?

it would be interesting to get to the bottom of this. might help everyone (who cares) understand what is going on in our society that allows people to witness something causing criminal harm to another for gain, and yet turn a blind eye.

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Also if you notice at the beginning of the clip,they showed a clip of an previous scenario where the genders were reversed and everyone jumped in and helped

Also,you noticed that the only one that said anything was another woman (not that it's anything wrong w/ that,but still)

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How many dates / husbands have been fed Viagra by women seeking child support or sex from under performing husbands?
Let Equality flourish, the chips fall where they may.

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It displays so many things that are wrong with our society

-The first 3-4 guys saying "oh that's great I can't wait to read the paper tomorrow"

-The second guy with glasses trying to hit on the girl with her date present and then doing nothing to stop what was happening.

-The fact (as has been pointed) that it was a woman the only one with enough balls to face the person perpetrating the act.

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