CNN trumpets: "8 dumb mistakes men make with women"

Article here. Excerpt:

'5. Mr. Tight Wad

Being cheap is so not sexy. Taking her out on a first date? Try this: pay. Who cares if it's politically correct and if she reaches for the bill. It doesn't have anything to do with money. It has everything to do with generosity. Chicks like it when you pay for stuff. Go figure.
8. Our toilet, our rules

If you come over to our house, spend the night, and leave the toilet seat up, we will get up in the middle of the night, sit on the toilet, and fall into the cold, wet water. After that moment, we will always associate you with that moment of falling in the toilet.

This is not the message you want to send. Put down the toilet seat. It's better than sending roses.'

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I'll sum it my response in one line: True equality is a bitch ladies -- Man Up!

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CNN what can say,there liberal feminist supporters!

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These articles are sometimes interesting if for no other reason than the comments sections. There are plenty of guys (and some girls) that are calling the author out on this piece shit.

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Is there a gene that makes it possible for men to check if the toilet seat is up? That would explain why women are incapable of performing this simple check and men are.

It's a problem common to both sexes but one only men seem capable of solving. Perhaps it's related to men's greater ability in math and science. After all, if you can't solve the toilet seat problem, what makes you think you can solve more difficult problems--such as defining the laws of motion, relativity, or quantum mechanics.

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I have a suggestion for women who 'fall' into the toilet because the seat is up. Look before you sit. Its that simple. If the seat is up, put it down. Sometimes I think women are jealous that men have the convenience of standing while urinating.

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