It's Rape if the Woman is Drunk

UK: Men face being charged with rape if they have sex with women who are drunk.

The proposal, contained in a Home Office report, is being considered by ministers in a bid to boost conviction rates for sex offences and bring more “date rapists” to justice.

The new law would mean a woman judged to be drunk at the time of having sex would be deemed incapable of giving her consent. That would potentially open the way for the prosecution of thousands of men for having sex with drunk women — regardless of whether agreement had been given at the time.

Time to emigrate, guys.

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If it that is the case then any woman who is drunk and drives can't be held responsible for her actions behind the wheel. Also, they can't be held accountable if they murder someone or steal something while intoxicated.
So, for British women just get tipsy then you can do any damned thing you want to and not be held responsible.

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If an intoxicated woman can't offer consent, how could she possibly rememeber when the alleged sexual encounter took place? What if the woman had multiple sexual partners (at different times) while she was intoxicated?

These blood and urine tests: How is a man suppose to know if the intoxicated woman fits the police criteria of intoxication?

My recommendation to all British men, invest in a breathalyzer!!!!

A woman's perceived well being supercedes a man's civil liberties.

British M.R.A Angry Harry might change his name to
"Infuriated Harry"


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Men who have sex with drunk women could face a rape charge

Taking into account that more and more women become alcoholics and are drunk all the time, this means that there will be less and less sex in UK.

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Obviously any woman in the U.K. who wants to send her soulmate to prison will only have to do two things:

1) after consensual sex, down a half-pint of vodka

2) call the police

But no one in their chivalrous right-mind would ever believe that a woman would actually do that, right?

Men are prey.

They continue to be stupid.

Hence, prey.

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Ladies, if you think there is a man shortage now, wait until this law is passed!

Men won't even approach you in of your last hopes for meeting someone!!

oregon dad

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Luek, they seem to be getting away with just about everything already. This is just the first time I've ever heard some law require that they be drunk at the time. Given that a vagina is a get-out-of-jail/responsibility card as it is, this could actually be viewed as imposing a new "responsibility" on women. The little princesses are "required" to be drunk before they can behave in a criminally irresponsible manner and get away with it. Now we evil dirty men are forcing them to drink! Isn't that oppression or something?

What a bunch of bullshit. The more things change...

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A guy is totally held responsible for his behaviors regardless of what he is under the influence of. I suppose the infantile mind of a bimbo can't be held to the same standard of moral, legal, and ethical codes?

I'd have to think a little harder before jumping in the sack with a bimbo who has been consuming alcohol if I was an Englishman! There’s one other consideration men should keep in mind and that is all women look better through the bottom of a shot glass. Pick your dates carefully “before” tipping the bottle! Here's a little friendly government warning along these lines:


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