CNN: 'For women, a seat at the table'
Article here. Excerpt:
'The world is at "an unprecedented moment when the power dynamics between men and women are shifting," Rosin said. This year, women became the majority of the American work force and they're beginning to dominate professions such as medicine, the law and accounting, according to Rosin.
The image of American manhood, the Marlboro man, has been replaced by the Old Spice guy, whom Rosen called a parody of manhood. She said 75 percent of couples in American fertility clinics are requesting to have girls rather than boys -- and some Asian cultures are showing a greater openness to preferring female children.
As America continues to shift from a manufacturing to a service and information economy, Rosin noted, women are better positioned to thrive, since jobs require skills other than physical strength.
Visiting a college in Kansas, Rosin spoke to a female student, who summed up her view of changing gender dynamics this way: "Men are the new ball and chain."'
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How can a man be a ball and chain...
... if he isn't attached to a foot? Most men would prefer not to be, I have noticed. I daresay plenty of women only wish they had a ball and chain in the form of a man, but preferably one that pays for all the dinners and movies.
"alot can happen when your not looking"
"Rosin noted, women are better positioned to thrive, since jobs require skills other than physical strength."
What a joke... it wasn't physical strength that built civilization.
I've only heard that comment, about gender dynamics changing because physical strength is not important anymore, a few times. The last time I heard it was while I was driving through Idaho and listening to some Guy doing a skit/"stand up" on the radio. He talked with the country accent and all. The piece was about the downfall of men in which the Guy was reflecting on the times changing and thinking out loud. (I was stoked when I heard the subject getting attention and being dealt with, mentally at least) It had a bit of a pitiful or regretful feel but it was mostly him just stepping back and looking at the situation. It also had humor to it. The best part of it was when the Guy said a sort of regurgitated line that men wont be so useful because their strength isn't needed anymore. After that he added, BUT then again there was Benjamin Franklin,..., and Jesus, he was a man too.
It was just a really good piece and I have to say I was actually surprised to hear a serious/contemplative and friendly piece on THAT SUBJECT in the "country".
As his skit kept on going on about the changes in gender dynamics and the poorer situation for men the main line he emphasized was something like "alot can happen when your not looking". MANNNNN he really nailed it with that line.
As America continues to shift from a manufacturing to a service and information economy, Rosin noted, women are better positioned to thrive, since jobs require skills other than physical strength.
On what planet those women live? Or rather they live in their dreams.
How America will collapse
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.
Must be the imaginary planet where "some Asian cultures are showing a greater openness to preferring female children."
it all just shows how much of a blatant propaganda bullshit this is.
I think the reason alot of
I think the reason western culture loves women is in part due to our consumer culture (just a guess). Feed them all the lies they want to hear and they'll buy, both literally and figuratively. Women are smarter... women feel more (fickle over deep)... women are much better writers and communicators... men are lying pigs... men built civilization because their stronger... men will be replaced when their sperm is no longer needed...
I don't believe a single thing.