Judged bashes Probation Department for gender bias in favor of leniency for girls
Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2010-12-05 18:07
Article here. Excerpt:
'A Queens judge is blasting the city's Probation Department for going easier on teenage girls than boys - even when they commit the same crimes.
Family Court Judge John Hunt accused probation of gender bias for trying to spare all but the most violent girls from prison time and the scarlet letter of the juvenile delinquent.
Hunt analyzed the cases of eight teenagers who had come before him - four boys and four girls - and found that probation routinely recommended tougher treatment for boys.'
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I love seeing these good
I love seeing these good stories getting posted on FB.
Some of those commenters
Some of these comments really bother me, like the one lady - she represent so much of what is wrong. It is okay for women to be predatory and sexually assault boys, and she hold women to different standards. Girls mature faster than boys, but if a 13 year old girl and 13 year old boy making the same decisons, the girl is deemed unable to make that decision and the boy is fine. The same if a man is date raped, it is still his fault. If a girl is drunk, and a man are drunk and they both have sex, the -man- is expected to be able to shake off his drunkness and understand the situation and not do what the equally drunk person is saying.
Also, I am sorry for her boys if you feel this way. Boys are -not- I repeat NOT more inclined to violence. That is sexist and just foul. Also, there are several female teachers who have shown pictures to many people, and seduced many boys in a school. They were given far, far lenient sentences than a male teacher who had sex with a single female student.
Also, look at the jails, as one person said. The women prisons are spas compared to men prisons, and don't forget that the number one group of people who are victims of rape? Men in prison.
And this lady is raising a son... that poor, poor boy. Wonder what kind of punishment he gets at home, probably constantly told all his problems are because he is male, and thus a naturally violent beast whose biggest fault lies in the fact that one of his chromosomes has a bit of difficulty standing up and defending itself.
this is good
many non-MRA's are starting to see how allowing inequality to not only exist in the law,
but rule same, is terrible for everyone in the short and long run. it must be corrected for
our society to continue to function as it did prefeminism. that's what our FoundingFathers
(good band name) told us. i think average guy/gal are becoming more educated and informed due
to constant exposure to computers/net, and all that comes with it.
you will always have your 'excuse makers' with you.
It Is Also True..........
"""The women prisons are spas compared to men prisons, and don't forget that the number one group of people who are victims of rape? Men in prison."""
Men are also raped by women who make false accusations of sexual assault. A false accusation of sexual assault or rape is a RAPE!
It seems this judge has enough balls to say that this is wrong!