Court urged not to jail genital burner

Article here. Excerpt:

'A court has been urged not to jail a woman who burnt her husband to death in what her lawyer has called a momentary lapse of control.

Rajini Narayan was found guilty of manslaughter for dousing her husband, Satish, in petrol and lighting it with a candle at their home at Unley in Adelaide two years ago.

Defence lawyer Lindy Powell said the woman should be sentenced on the basis that she had planned to burn his penis as a minor circumcision after learning he had been having an affair.'

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Unbelievable, how much more of this sort of nonsense can men take ?

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"Minor" circumcision?!

Riiiiiight. If burning the penis was considered minor circumcision, no wonder it should be banned.

Let's play "reverse the genders" and see if the outcome would be different!


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The wife and her attorney are mounting the regular defense strategies: (1) make the husband out to be a physical abuser, (2) claim that she was defending herself against his physical abuse, (3) claim that he was having an affair, and that this was a momentary act of passion, perpetrated by a jealous wife, and (4) claim she never meant to kill the guy, only teach him a lesson... it is not surprising that these and other claims (so often lies) are made by a survivor when the dead man cannot speak for himself and/or mount a proper defense. But it is surprising that the courts continue to believe them, or at least act like they believe them... let's bring the same standard of proof to women's claims as we do to men's claims.

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This is typical of the state-run Australian Broadcasting Corporations (ABCs) portrayal of Male genital mutilation as trivial and minor (see also here).

This article also seems to confirm that many females do view circumcision (including of their newborn Boys) as a valid form of revenge against partners and/or Men generally.


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in my life time

so many halfwits in one place at one time.
its like a dumb arse convention in courtrooms these days.

i'm amazed man aren't taking the law into their own hands.
if something this stupid hurt my family, i would get even.
that appears to be the only thing they understand, violence.

wonder how many of these cases we hear about where men go bonkers
and kill folks is actually some of this unethial activity being covered up?
we've seen of late how the networks cherry-pick what they cover; and, notice how we never get the whole story about what happened?
no wonder courts are requiring so much more security (scanners) these days.

people can only take so much.

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She shouldn't be jailed, she should be doused in gasoline, set on fire and then called a slut. That's what she did to him, after all.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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momentary lapse of control ....for female perps
blind uncontrolled rage....for male perps.

When was the last time you heard of a man gluing a woman's privates or setting her crotch on fire?

Which sentence would receive more prison time, and which would more likely get probation?
Let Equality flourish, the chips fall where they may.

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