Opinion: Abuse a Human Problem

Column here. Excerpt:

'Your "Upcoming Trial for Alleged Wife Killer Sheds Light on Larger Problem" story was sexist, stereotyping men as violent oppressors and women as innocent victims, and made a false claim.

Your sentence, "That attitude keeps many immigrant women — and they are, overwhelmingly, women — from reporting abuse" misleads the reader that the vast majority of domestic violence victims are women.

Although men under-report domestic violence more than women in both crime reports and crime surveys, the two-sex survey data consistently shows women initiate domestic violence as often as men, that 38 percent of injured victims are men, that women use weapons more often than men, and that self-defense does not explain female violence. California State University summarizes almost 200 of these studies at http://www.csulb.edu/~mfiebert/assault.htm.'

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Great article Matt. Very well written and documented.
Thanks for your activism.

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Thanks to Joe Manthey and Marc Angelucci for a great letter pointing out the inaccuracies regarding domestic violence that appear in the story titled "Upcoming Trial for Alleged Wife Killer Sheds Light on Larger Problem." It is encouraging to see such intelligently written and fact-based letters countering the lies that saturate news and opinion pieces on the topic of domestic violence.

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