Women in prison: a growing population

Article here. Excerpt:

'...women are the fastest-growing prison population in the state, in the country, and in the world.

Why? It’s hard to say. Overall, the prison population has boomed since the 1980′s, so it only seems natural that the numbers of women would increase as well–but proportionally, women still outnumber men compared to 30 years ago. One common explanation is the increasing participation of women in the narcotics industry, whether as users or dealers. Others contend that women are often arrested as accessories to crimes involving their husbands and boyfriends.
As the population of women in prison continues to grow, it’ll be interesting to see how correctional institutions evolve to respond to this population’s needs–will the system become more rehabilitative? More focused on sustaining famiy relationships during incarceration? Will they not change at all? Should they change at all?'

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There are two choices:
1. Women can get what men get.
2. Men can get what women get.

Pick one.

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When women start getting charged with rape for making false sexual assault accusations then there will be progress in protecting society from crimes women commit. For some strange reason society still doesn't view female violence as serious and that is putting everyone at risk.
It is time to change that stereotype.

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they always get the third choice:

3. women get what women want.

and let's not forget that when women break the law,
congresscritters and judgepoop break their necks making their action legal.

false accusations of rape
false accusations of child molestation
false accusations of domestic violence
expanded definitions of each of the above (for men only)
abortion - all types - tax payer funded
murder a hubby- how many legal excuses do they have available? he made me wear a wig?
how about a real study showing how men vs women stack up on sentencing for like offenses?

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I agree time to change that stereotype!

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