Taking aim at a grieving dad

Article here. Excerpt:

'Leo Campione was not on trial.

Leo Campione was a victim, the father of two little murdered girls, killed by their mother’s hand.

Leo Campione had pleaded with child welfare officials to remove those children from his estranged wife’s custody, terrified the youngsters might come to harm — fears that were sadly, gruesomely, realized when Elaine Campione took their lives.

But on the day of Elaine’s reckoning, found guilty by a jury on two counts of first-degree murder, the judge in the case implicitly aimed his condemnation at . . . Leo.

“It is more than disconcerting to think that if Ms Campione had not been so abused, so used and discarded as a person, her two daughters could still be alive.’’

This is a breathtaking rearrangement of the facts as court heard them.'

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Evidence that misandry is a form of insanity.

What a joke this judge is!

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The defense probably elected to a trial by jury thinking Misandry is so deeply ingrained in the collective Canadian consciousness that the jury would swallow her tripe and allow her to walk free as if this were Australia or something. Thankfully, this trials verdict seems indicative of the fact that Canadians are not so willing to let female murders off the hook - I think it has something to do with it being public knowledge that Karla Hamolka walks free.

The appeal won't be a Jury trial though and the judge handed her her golden ticket to freedom on a silver platter when she gets her next court date with his rampant Misandric diatribe. So we shall see how long the judicial system of Canada allows this well considered jury decision stand. I mean, they took 7 days to reach the verdict, I doubt they took the responsibility lightly.

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pure unadulterated licensed insanity.

they say extreme hatred can cause this sort of malady.

wonder what makes him so sure women don't lie? and often?

ahhh. looking for logic among the criminally insane is a fool's errand.

unfortunately, this sort of almost holy reverence for women infects

a very large portion of the males in western society. reinforced by the

constant barrage of anti-male propaganda spewing daily from the media.

sounds like maybe she put a little on him, while talking her side in his ear?

wouldn't be the first, or last. nuttin' like all the honor and such.

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You got that right!

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