Police issue violations to men for teaching children to play chess in a public park
Article here. Nice that the parents aren't actually standing up to say the rule is wrong, just that it should have been a warning. Excerpt:
'Parents at a Manhattan park are outraged that the NYPD slapped summones on a group of chess players who have mentored their children.
Cops in the 34th Precinct hit seven men with violations on Oct. 20 for using the stone chess tables inside a playground at Inwood Hill Park.
The playground is off-limits to adults without minors with them under Parks Department rules.
The summonses - first reported on DNAinfo.com - cited the men for failing to obey park regulation signs. They have to answer the charges in Criminal Court on Dec. 28.
"When people are just playing chess, I don't see a real reason for a summons for that," said Joanna Johnston, whose 7-year-old son learned the game from the men.
"A warning would have been sufficient."'
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This goverment is so out of control,it takes my breath away!
some in the comments section
spoke the truth out loud; and, it wasn't that they were black men (if they all were).
it is about men being 2nd class citizens. if these were women, or black women,
or purple women with green pouches, it would not have been an issue.
this 'special people' thing we (MRA's) have been fighting and trying for years to bring to everyone's attention,
has finally brought this country to its knees. down, but hopefully not out. every special group
has gotten more, and more, until there is really only one group not getting even their basic
rights anymore. us. those the country needs/ must have to continue supporting the rest. telling 'special'
groups they can do this or that just because they want it to be so, just don't make it so. that is just reality.
if you are really all that, what do you need with a constant barrage of gov. handouts?
they just tried to pass another in congress, fair pay.
funny how dem'progressives always call something exactly what it ain't. fairness doctrine?
now we have a new category of feminists, conservative ones. if the ship starts sinking, get off baby.
finally, some women are starting to realize that the precepts of feminism, such as abortion, may not be
their cup of tea. thank God. we even have a few blacks waking up. many blacks (a good %) were once dead set
against abortion, as a religious thing. that is, until obiwon came on the scene. he is the most
pro-abortion prostitute in washington. as a senator he quit voting 'present' long enough to be the only
senator to vote not to help a child if he/she survived a late term abortion. yeah, real prince that one.
lesson learned: just because somebody generally looks like you doesn't make them your friend,
or right, or good, or anything special. just another human being due only those considerations (from gov.)
as everyone else is due. "special" status is just code talk for free handouts via pure corruption.