Stop Feminists' Job Killing Legislation

On Election Day, Americans spoke out against the radical liberal agenda in Washington, D.C. Voters demanded a Congress that will strengthen the economy and create more jobs.

But, the liberal left is still pandering to feminists and trial attorneys at the expense of American jobs by bringing the so-called “Paycheck Fairness Act” to a vote during the Lame Duck Session that begins Monday, November 15th.

The “Paycheck Fairness Act” would stifle job creation, send existing American jobs overseas, and burden employers with expensive paperwork and frivolous lawsuits.

Your calls are urgently needed to stop the feminists from causing unemployment rates to rise even higher!

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AAUW is up in arms over the outcome.

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"The PFA would amend the word “establishment” to mean workplaces in the same county or political district. It would also invite the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to develop “rules or guidance” to define the term more broadly. This leaves the door open for the EEOC to compare a woman’s job in a rural area to a man’s job in an urban area that has a much higher cost of living, which would drive up the cost of employing the woman in the rural lower cost area. "
Really? Are you claiming that the Cost Of Living varies significantly WITHIN A COUNTY?
Heck, I don't even work in the same county where I live.

"Replaces a successful pay discrimination-determining system with a proven failed system."
Eh? How can you claim a new system has a proven failed track record.

"The PFA would invalidate the successful, Supreme Court-endorsed system"
...obviously it was NOT succesfull in many instances...
"...and would replace it with the highly inaccurate Equal Opportunity Survey, which has found true discriminators to be non-discriminators 93 percent of the time. "
If you are going to toss out a statistic like that, you'd better back it up with a link to a study. Otherwise, you are no more credible than the radical Feminists.

The hyperbole in posts like this does disservice to the Men's movement, and hinders our cause. What the movement needs are moderate, fair-minded men and women who seek to promote equality of both genders.

Please, save your doom and gloom "This Single Piece Of Legislation Is Going To Destroy America" nonsense for the next election round.

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The Paycheck Fairness Act is terrible no matter what gender you are. Working females do not need to be "protected" like this and it only makes business owners and managers resent hiring females, as now it will add an increased risk and scrutiny to a company.

I have said it before, but generally people are paid what they are worth based on the natural law of supply and demand. If a worker is more valuable than other workers, they will expect to be paid more, or look for employment elsewhere. Companies want to keep valuable employees, but if a worker can be replaced for less, it makes good business sense to do so.

This is PFA more government control. Businesses and employees should be free to enter into whatever pay contract they both agree to without government meddling.

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Was defeated this afternoon in the senate.

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Thank God!

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