German feminist calls family minister 'hopeless' and 'incompetent'

Article here. The interview article with the German Family Minister can be viewed here, and the follow up article here. Excerpt:

"Germany's leading feminist campaigner and its minister for families, pensioners and women have locked horns over the role of feminism in relationships and the workplace, unsparingly attacking each other's views in a row that has escalated into a nationwide debate.

Alice Schwarzer, considered the country's foremost women's rights campaigner, labelled Kristina Schröder "hopeless" and "incompetent" after Schröder said she thought some of her views were wrong.

Schröder, 33, of the Christian Democratic union, was recruited by Angela Merkel and became the youngest woman ever in a German cabinet. She told Der Spiegel that she could not agree with certain views expressed by Schwarzer, including that "heterosexual sex was hardly possible without the subjugation of women".

Schröder said: "It's absurd to define something that is vital to the survival of humanity as subjugation." She said she was unconvinced by the feminist argument that rejecting heterosexual relationships in favour of homosexuality was a "solution to the disadvantage to women", and blamed boys' underperformance in school on the disproportionate number of female carers and teachers. She also rejected the idea of quotas to improve the standing of women in the workplace."

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Unlike Men in Germany, females have no obligation to earn their citizenship by being prepared to perform National Service if called up, so I don't see why any Man should care what either of these two think.

Let them take their little cat-fight into the ladies rest-room.

It would be fun though, to see the pseudo-minister and the pseudo-academic mutually destroy each other.


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I think she did very well in that interview. She is probably a good political speaker even though that pricks questions were surely predictable, she maintained control. She did not back down on her case for men and boys and didn't cow tow to the "but women struggle" (she did give a little that way though).

I think she shows promise and ill enjoy seeing what she does in the future.

Oh and thank God she didn't say helping men is to help women!

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Ya I hope that in time every time some public figure brings up women not being in x, y, and z we say how men are in jail, military, homeless, working in the worst (underpaid jobs) with bad conditions, and so on.

And one thing that must be ended is forced military service for men only.

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