Canada: At Dad Camp, guys ‘man up’ or get the boot

Article here. Excerpt:

'In one corner: six reluctant, badass fathers-to-be in their 20s. In the other: New York psychologist and family therapist Jeff Gardere (“Dr. Jeff”), whose job is to transform them into grown-ups ready to face fatherhood. They meet on Dad Camp, one of the latest offerings from the parenting wing of the reality-TV genre, airing for the first time in Canada.'

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Featuring drug-using mothers or soon-to-be-mothers, for example. Holdeth not thy breath for that one.

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Judging by the article, only autistic sociopaths with deep menthal problems will watch this show.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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much different attitudes than just a few years ago.
men are starting to understand that in this game,
they are the real prey.

one comment got me wondering. seems commenter was happy that being gay,
he/she didn't have to worry about the prospects of unwanted children and
the many years of payments that come with.

question: we all know that men in a marriage are required to financially support
whatever his wife delivers, even if it is purple and has a snout. it's called the fruits
of the marriage, he's responsible. no matter the real father.
so what about marriage in a lesbian relationships? say partner x has a fling and becomes prego.
during the upcoming divorce is partner y required to 'man up', and pay child support, as a real
man would? or does mangyna lawman go after a man for it?

i'm pretty sure i know the answer.

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Taking into account that 40% of children nowadays are born out of wedlock and their mothers don't have any child support from any man, I think that lesbian's child will be considered as jointly acquired property and both spouses will bear financial responsibility for it.


Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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It doesn't surprize me,Canada is a feminist strong hold!

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Yes - 40% of all children born today are out of wedlock. But a huge majority of those are getting child support throught 'the system'.

This is one thing that young males are unaware of - if you get a woman pregnant, you pretty much have been married and divorced in one fell swoop - getting the shaft of being put into the system well before your time.

oregon dad

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It seems that "the system" doesn't have money anymore for such wasting. It's time to get women realize that they must think more before having children.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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"This is one thing that young males are unaware of - if you get a woman pregnant, you pretty much have been married and divorced in one fell swoop - getting the shaft of being put into the system well before your time."

The whole point exactly! 18-20 years of wage slavery to support a system, the money has to come from somewhere to pay all of those government workers to tell people what to do! Same as with the statistics of the lives' of the majority of the children that are raised within the influence of a single parent welfare household. Any guess as to the predominate gender that "heads" those households? Males most productive years are being stolen on a daily basis and the system prevails. I wonder when most will realize that the train left the tracks long ago, and the longer we wait to start cleaning up this mess the worse it will become.

David A. DeLong

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My short and sweet view of the family legal system is that it rewards irresponsible behavior by women and punishes responsible behavior by men.

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Perhaps a 1000 years from now archeologists will be bewildered by the serf class that makes up Western males. They will be the only known slave class in history that had the vote, political and economic power to break their chains but chose to kiss them instead.

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It has been said that a man getting a woman pregnant has as much causative relationship as chocolate cake has in making her obese.

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that had the vote, political and economic power to break their chains but chose to kiss them instead

Exactly the same feminists say also about women. Especially after elections where women didn't support female candidates. ))

But you are right anyways: those males who want be free - can be free.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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    18-20 years of wage slavery to support a system, the money has to come from somewhere to pay all of those government workers...

Which tends to explain why the drug companies have been so slow in producing a male birth control pill despite the wild potential profits to be gained by doing so. Many of the tax breaks, monopolies and other gov't perks that make them so profitable might suddenly diminish or dry up. I read somewhere that the pharmaceutical companies have the highest profit margin of any industry.

I know, I know, tinfoil hat time, but I can't think of any other reason why it's taken so long despite the demand. With men taking control of their own reproductive lives, the whole multi-billion dollar child support system and its ancillaries falls apart. Even the penal system suffers, and, in concert with the marriage strike, the population shrinks.

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