Sarah Palin and NOW

Blog entry here. Hard to know where Sarah Palin is at vis-a-vis feminism today. I do know she is reported as having said misandrist things, more often in rooms filled with female supporters, but not as much in mixed-sex gatherings. Makes no difference to me if she is just "playing to the audience," if that is the excuse you want to make for her, since in either case, it still isn't right. (If a person wants to "play to the audience" and if that audience happens to be a bunch of Nazis, is something the speaker says that is patently racist forgivable for the "playing to the audience" reason?) Nonetheless, following is the excerpt:

'Furthermore, we discovered that during the last national conference of NOW, which took part in Indiana from June 19-21, 2009, the "pro-Palin feminists" gained the majority - reportedly with a very slim margin of only eight votes!

Palingates has obtained the complete set of so-called "On-Site Credentials" for the last annual NOW conference in Indiana 2009. With these documents and other background conversations, it's possible for us to understand how the system worked - and we were also able to establish with these documents without any doubt that both Shelly Mandell and Elaine Lafferty were delegates at the last annual NOW conference in June 2009.

At this point in time, Elaine Lafferty had already received more than $ 53,000 from the McCain/Palin campaign and had written several pro-Palin articles. In addition, Elaine Lafferty had received more than $ 12,000 from SarahPAC, the checks of which had been sent to Shelly Mandell's home address.'

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"Makes no difference to me if she is just "playing to the audience..."

Same here. Her misandric talk is misandric talk. Also she could just as well play to the same crowd if she ever got into office again.

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I don't trust either party & Palin is establishment as it gets!

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