Newsweek: "Women Will Rule the World"

Article here. Excerpt:

'When historians write about the great recession of 2007–08, they may very well have a new name for it: the Mancession. It’s a term already being bandied about in the popular media as business writers chronicle the sad tales of the main victims of the recession: men. They were disproportionately represented in the industries hit hardest during the downturn, including financial services, manufacturing, and construction, and their higher salaries often put them first in the line of fire. Men are the victims of two thirds of the 11 million jobs lost since the recession began in 2007; in August 2009, when U.S. male unemployment stood at 11 percent (versus 8.3 for women), it was the largest unemployment gender gap in the postwar era. Those numbers have improved, a bit—new unemployment figures show men at 9.9 percent and women at 7.8—but not enough to stop Larry Summers, the president’s top economic adviser, from speculating recently, that “when the economy recovers, five years from now, one in six men who are 25 to 54 will not be working.”

If they are lucky, they’ll have wives who can take care of them. American women are already the breadwinners or co-breadwinners in two thirds of American households; in the European Union, women filled 75 percent of the 8 million new jobs created since 2000. Even with the pay gap factored into the equation, economists predict that by 2024, the average woman in the U.S. and a number of rich European countries will outearn the average man. And she’ll be spending that money: as a new book on female economic power, Influence, points out, American women are responsible for 83 percent of all consumer purchases; they hold 89 percent of U.S. bank accounts, 51 percent of all personal wealth, and are worth more than $5 trillion in consumer spending power—larger than the entire Japanese economy.'

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"But experts also believe the legacy of communism may have provided a surprisingly beneficial lesson to today’s capitalists: as one Chinese HR leader told researchers, “communism has always emphasized that women can and should do whatever men can do…We often find female candidates to be as competitive, if not more so, than their male counterparts.”

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Feminists are in panic and desperation and produce senseless garbage of all sorts, like "mancession" and "women will be primary breadwinners".

The fact that feminism has ruined American economy is obvious. But if women are employed mostly in service jobs like health- and childcare, education, cleaning, etc. - who is going to pay them for their services if American economy produces nothing?

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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Women hold 89% of bank accounts? 89%??? That's a ridiculous figure. Sounds like feminomics.

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It seems that the reason that corporations wanted more feminism isn't even discussed. Women are more easily led, they are also the predominate shoppers chasing the latest fad from store to store. Women aren't any better, they just take the brainwashing better! WARNING! Any woman reading this will have to understand this is a blatant generalization of the female of the human race, just like the PC crap they use. The structure of abuse must be addressed or we are wasting our time, and our great grandchildren, "the young men" will ask us (what we were doing while Rome burned again.)

David A. DeLong

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The problem is women won't be primary breadwinners. If they end up supporting a man, they'll get rid him as excess baggage.

Women simply want to have it all for themselves. They have no intention of "role reversal," as the male role comes with responsibilities and obligations women eschew.

What's not surprising here is this is viewed as some kind of triumph. What it actually heralds is the continuing ghettoization of America. Without fathers, American will turn into one vast ghetto where no one feels safe, women least of all. The modern ghetto is not a place; it is a social structure in which fathers are absent and single mothers raise children alone.

But hey, as long as women are on top, we're to believe all is well.

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If we learn how the soviet union collapsed,its safe to say that feminism one way or the other will not last for when the dollar has no value. A womens consumer power is toast,for when the goverment falls apart a womens power & protection. Is gone like the wind!

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