Huffington Post: Ten Steps the Democrats Need to Take to Win the Votes of Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'When will the women of this nation stop accepting "guilt gifts" from the men in their lives who act abusively?

When will we say "enough is enough" and turn a deaf ear to half-hearted, mealy-mouthed apologies that provide poor salve for hateful and hurtful actions and words?

When will we finally deliver the tough love and consequences for improper behavior?

I'm posing these questions in large measure because October is National Domestic Violence Month. Yet, more specifically, I want to shed light on the ugly abuse women have been experiencing in the political arena this election season as well as election cycles past.

If the Democrats want women to turn out and vote, they need to make some extra efforts to address our needs. Here are ten concrete and measurable steps the DNC can and should immediately take to win women back:

1.Set an annual goal of the exact number of women in the House and Senate each year, and provide funding in a manner that will achieve those goals. Publically announce targets and whether they were reached. For example, 20008 women comprised 17% of the US Congress, in 2010 our goal is for women to comprise 20%, 2012, 24% etc.
10.Introduce and pass a law to require publicly traded companies to have target of 30- 50% female board members.'

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If anyone ever had doubts that this whole feminism thing wasn't about interests vs. rights or the seemingly endless ways in which feminists will not try to use shame against men (the way mothers use it on their kids to get them to do things the kids would rather not do), then let this article put all such qualms to rest.

Political and business board seats are not entitlements. They're about if you can get elected or not. Trying to get others (men) to rig the system so you needn't actually succeed at winning a seat but instead have yourself vaulted into it because you have a vagina is the same kind of thing we have seen now for years in other contexts and I imagine it would meet with similar results, too.

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Spoken like a true radical feminist. First of all, considering men have a higher unemployment rate then women, what happens if these affirmative action programs are implemented? The male unemployment rate would sky rocket. Please tell me how a generation of out of work men benefits society or women. Like most feminists, you want affirmative action programs to increase the percentage of women in male dominated fields, yet you systematically ignore professions which are female dominated (teaching). If publicly traded companies are forced to have 30- 50% female board members, what about companies where more than 50% of board members are female? Would your supposed equity program require more men? Yes, October is domestic violence awareness month. Any thoughts about men who are assaulted by their wives? What about women who are emotionally and verbally abusive? Your attempt at social engineering reeks of Marxism and is ultimately flawed. Do your self a favor, throw out your Andrea Dworkin books and move into the real world.

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Feminism is about one thing: completing rewriting the social contract so everything favors women. They do not want to earn political office. They want it given to them. They do not want to do what it takes to become a CEO or whatever--they're just entitled to it.

I used to believe in all the equality BS they put out. Truth is, women want it all, and they want men to give it all to them. They want the kids, the house, the jobs, and all of men's money. They simply want men to have nothing--except the honor of serving women. They expect kids to be happy with whatever they get after women get what they want. They simply have lost any concept of reciprocity, earning something, or the belief in any good greater than themselves.

If you ever visit the NOW website, ask yourself if they present any program or request that involves women giving to children, men, or society at large. Trust me, you won't find any. It's all about what they can get and what others--men and society, mostly--should give them.

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Truth is, women want it all, and they want men to give it all to them.

Many women indeed want this to happen, but certainly this is not supposed to occur by those who pull strings wires. Who in their right mind would want to feed for free a half of population just for the fact that they have vagina between their legs?

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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One of the pharmacy colleges here has an unofficial policy of 80% minority, and 70% female enrollment. Which basically translates into: White men are wasting their application fee. Two years ago the were still brazen enough to list it on their website, but its since been removed from public view, but not from their admissions.

They signed on to some board somewhere whose committee said "women are not equally represented in pharmacy, and a pharmacy managers even though they are getting more licenses, and the only way to balance this is to give 3/4 of the slots to women for pharmacy education". Never mind that women often take years off of work to raise kids, and often don't return to the profession, and if they do generally return part time.

Women make different choices, different choices lead to different outcomes.

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