Feminism’s Last Frontiers

Woody Zimmerman does a nice job of summarizing areas that remain largely male turf. Despite radical feminism’s incessant attempts at minimizing naturalistic gender differences that give advantage to males in certain domains, males continue to outperform females in these areas. They (radical feminists) can jump up and down and scream all they want; however, their protests will not change what is.

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the reference to Title IX in the article. The article is excellent, but the author pulls punches regarding the implementation of Title IX. If this can be used to bludgeon men's sports programs it will have to be used to bludgeon the programs that women are attending. Sauce for the goose. Instead, he simply adopts what I would call the 'false pacifist' position by noting that because women make up ever increasing proportions of the attendees, that programs that men would want have to be cut even further.

Men will have to stop thinking in this fashion. Chivalry has to go. In the current age, it isn't simply outmoded, it is vicious.

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Title IX mandates “Athletic participation or opportunities for males and females substantially proportionate to their respective enrollments.”
With the ratio of female attendance at universities on the rise (currently 57% female on average), what will the future hold for male collegiate sports? Females seem unable to muster up enough sportsmanship (sportwomanship) to utilize their ever increasing slice of the federal funding pie under Title IX’s formula. Nevertheless, the male athletic programs must be sacrificed to balance things out on paper. I suspect we’ll see more legitimizing of female activities as sports. I can see it now; the college’s sports complex will be converted to accommodate the women’s butterfly catching team. Of course, the football team will have to relocate to farmer brown’s barn to get by on their meager cut of federal funding. Title IX has profound affects in other areas as well. Will we see a decline in the quality of science and engineering programs (if it isn't already happening) at universities because females are under-represented!? Title IX was enacted in 1972. Times have changed; yet, the courts refuse to debate the validity of this 34 year-old legislation. It’s just another example of hands-off legislation strictly because no one wants to rock the radical feminist boat!?

P.S. I'm sure this is not news; I just felt like venting LOL

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I know this is off topic, but I just wanted everyone to know that I might not be posting here, for a while.
The phone lines at my house are in dire need of repair, and this is the first day in over a week I've been able to gain an Internet connection. So if you don't see me posting for a while, you all know what's going on.
At least you'll know that the fembots didn't come and take me away. Ha! They'd die trying! :-)
Anyway, keep up the fight while I'm away. Hopefully, the phone lines will be fixed soon. Untill then, see y'all later!

"Hoka hey!"

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OK, Thundercloud, hurry back when you're ready. Good luck with the phone line repair at your house.


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taking away men's sport programs is wrong...we all know that. but im not worried.

lets pretend that in the coming years (it is possible) boys are forced to start independent athletic leagues. lets look toward our dominican brothers. as a baseball fan, i have great respect for latino players. many have grown up in poverty with virtually no proper playing equipment, subpar playing fields and very little funding . these men have endured, they have fought, they have let their natural ability for athletic dominance over come all obstacles. titke IX...is bullshit......but gentlemen don't worry...our future male athletes can endure.


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I don't have to worry about sports, or womyn... My BF and I are both staunch MRAs, but we're independant.

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Perhaps you should be cautious, and have the phone technician install some sort of 'anti-feminist call filter' on the line. Sort of like a spam filter, except it filters out feminist propaganda-spreading calls, government bureaus and others asking for contributions to women's causes, death threats, etc. (I'm not saying you've actually received any!).

Note: do not ask to have the filter installed if the technician is a woman! She might take a pair of bolt-cutters to you're you-know-what!!

-Axolotl (formerly 'quetzal')

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