Taiwanese bride bemoans lack of men and marries herself

Story here. In case anyone has any doubts about just how nuts certain women have become living with the effects of feminism/post-feminism/neo-post-feminism/etc. As always, I welcome insightful commentary. :) Excerpt:

'(NewsCore) - A Taiwanese woman left uninspired by the standard of men on offer in her city will finally tie the knot -- with herself, Shanghai Daily reported early Saturday.

Chen Wei-yih has bought a flowing white bridal grown, planned a lavish reception and even hired a wedding photographer to mark her unusual matrimony, which takes place next month

Lonely Chen, 30, told local media she was urged to wed by friends and loved ones but could not find a decent husband in Taipei, Taiwan's largest city.'

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A visit to the CIA World Factbook shows there is no shortage of men in Taiwan:


What there is is a shortage of men who will put up with a whining egocentric bratty 30-year-old woman-child who sees everything as being about her.

That's my take. And to the men in Taiwan, I say, "You go, boys!"

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Who will she get to do the housework?
Who will pay alimony?

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All these wasted years!

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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It's interesting that I never hear men complain about the quality of women out there. They just deal with what they've got. In general, at least in America, men are much more adapted to reality than women are. Many women, certainly not all, but still many many women are living fantasy lives. How can women expect that men would marry them when marriage is now such a bad deal for men? Women who marry themselves are revealing how totally wrapped up they are in the fantasy. These women are totally out to lunch, living in a Cinderella world.

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when did the relationship get serious?
where did you first meet? online? in the mirror?
how did you know you were the one?
you must have a lot in common?
when/where did you actually pop the question?
did you say yes right away?
did you get lucky on the first date?
guess the sex is good? what's your fav pos... never mind.
what are the chances of cheating in this type relationship? stat's?
was there a prenup?
were you pregnant?
who did your father give you away to?
what did you parents say when you told them? (i would have paid good money to watch that)
when the preacher said, you may now kiss the bride...what happened?
if you get into a spat and call the cops, who goes to jail?
is this your first unilateral marriage?
if there is a divorce who gets custody of the kids?
did the preacher charge the full price?
pretty sure the divorce lawyer will.

i guess that about covers my questions, except one.
is there a history of other mental illness in your family?

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Yes. And it doesn't acknowledge men as a separate entity, just a tool, nor does it include any self evaluation.

This woman is looney but I really hate the phrase "where are all the good men" and all the other comments with similar themes. I used to just accept that, that women would complain about their "struggle" and indirectly about men. Now I find offense to it. I know That if I complained about trying to find the right woman I would probably get man up responses.

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It's interesting that I never hear men complain about the quality of women out there. They just deal with what they've got.

Yes. That's because there is no such a thing as a "quality woman" or a "good woman".

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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China is very aggressive in terms of its population control, adopting a one child per couple policy. Because boys are significantly favored over girls, baby girls are often aborted. As a result, the ratio of men to women in China (and by extension in Taiwan too) is well over one. In some cases it is 1.30 as this table indicates:


That a contemporary Taiwanese woman bemoans the fact that she cannot find a man is ridiculous. To the contrary, the skewed gender ratio gives women more bargaining power, causes men to commit more often than they would otherwise, and causes women to marry at younger ages (as article below indicates). It shows that this woman must be using unrealistic standards (probably based on fantasies, rather than the reality of men today). So this stunt, and i do consider it to be a publicity stunt, is really ungrounded... just another case of women complaining about imaginary problems.


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Or men just don't like her :P

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and by extension in Taiwan too

If to extend on China the situation in Japan, then one understand that men in these coutries just like in all other world do not want to commit anymore at all.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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