Male Serf Gets Spat Upon But Will Only Serve 6 Months In Prison

Story here. A man was spit upon and his life threatened by a female at a restaurant when her brat almost ran into a door he was exiting. He defended himself but was sentenced to 6 months in prison for hitting her after she first assaulted him. Excerpt:

'CLAYTON COUNTY, Ga. -- The defense took the stand Friday in the trial against a man accused of beating a woman at a Morrow Cracker Barrel restaurant.

Army reservist Tasha Hill said Troy Dale West hit, kicked and screamed racial slurs at her after she asked him to be careful and not let the door hit her daughter. West originally faced numerous charges including, aggravated assault and false imprisonment, but a judge sentenced him to serve six months after listening to testimony.

West told the jury he never wanted to harm Hill and never hit her with a closed fist. He testified he only hit Hill with his open hand after she spat on him and kept kicking him.

He said Hill threatened him and then spit on him.

“She says, ‘I'm a U.S. Military soldier. I'll kill you,’” West said.

Though Hill denies the spitting, Cracker barrel customers said they saw it happen.

“I saw her spit in his face and he wiped it out and by the time he wiped it out, he hit her,” said witness Leon Oswalt.

The defense also called two teenagers to the stand who said Hill threatened to kill them after she accused them of breaking into her home.
Prosecutor Jason Green asked West if it’s OK to hit a woman. While West admitted it’s normally not OK he said, “There is occasion that it could be OK.”

West pleaded to four misdemeanors and was sentenced to 36 months, with six months to serve.'

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Replace his question with instead a reference to any other class of person, such as, "Is it ever all right to strike an elderly person?", or "Is it ever all right to strike a black/white/etc. person?" and you see the whole thing in action. The only category of person it seems society will not stand for any violence against in a self-defense situation even if the act is justified is a female-- even if she is armed, even if she is the antagonizer, even if she threatens murder.

The mistake this guy made was in pleading guilty. He should have taken this case all the way up to the Supreme Court.

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One glaring fact that stands out about this sordid judicial lynching is that his wife was present during the confrontation and nothing is mentioned about what she said or did to protect him from this barking moonbat from hell's attack. I guess protecting one's spouse only applies to men who will risk all to protect their wifey poo. A German shepard would have done a better job of protecting him than she did!

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I watched the video which showed him walking in the door. Lots of people were going in and out at the same time, you can see he did not have any intention of hitting the little girl with the door as she is out of his line of vision. Besides, who would purposely hit a little girl with a door? (The door never actually hits her, it is just a close call as the girl comes thru the door ahead of her mother and then turns around and tries to get back in the door)

And Ms. Hill clearly lied in court. If she did not spit on him or threaten him, why else would he start attacking her? And witnesses said they saw her spit.

Based on what I can see in the video and what is said in the article it seems he had every right to defend himself and hit her. It is crazy that he is the defendant in court.

Black women are some of the most racially charged people I know. She seems like she has a chip on her shoulder. Too bad she doesn't get what she deserves. This injustice will just prompt her to continue her behavior. I feel bad for this guy - he did nothing wrong. Spitting on people is pretty bold. What does the judge expect people to do when they are spit upon? I would have come unglued if it happened to me!

She needs a discharge from the military as she seems unstable to me.

BTW- In the article posted it does not say anything about his wife being present and in the video no one appears to be with him. Even if he had a wife I assume she would be in her 50's(?) like he is, so probably not much help.

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the halfwits far outnumber the normal folk.

just look at this case.

looks like everybody involved worships at the altar of 'perfect woman'.

if he had backed off and called the cops when she spit on him,

anybody here believe she would have faced asault charges?

this woman is a walking time bomb.

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This isn't justice its state sanconed bigotry!

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