What About Economic Security and Jobs for America’s Men?

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'The National Economic Council released a report today (“Jobs and Economic Security for America’s Women”) “on the impact of the recession on women and how the Obama administration’s economic policies benefit American women. The report lays out the economic landscape facing women today and details some of the many ways the administration is committed to making sure the government is working for all Americans especially American women.”

And yet, measured by job losses and unemployment rates, it was men, not women, who suffered such a hugely disproportionate share of the economic hardship of the last recession—such that it is now frequently referred to as the “Great Mancession.” In a statement last June to a House Ways and Means Subcommittee based on my report “The Great Mancession of 2008-2009,” I testified that “there has probably never been a previous recession in U.S. history where the negative effects of unemployment and job losses fell so disproportionately on one gender.”'

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For the administration to release a report emphasizing economic security and jobs for only women, who fared so much better than men during the Great Mancession, and ignore the economic hardships still facing millions of male workers, seems extremely one-sided and misguided.

That's because government knows the true picture.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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