20 Women Arrested in Swedish Child Porn Raid

Story here. Excerpt:

'STOCKHOLM -- Swedish police say they have arrested 23 people in a nationwide raid against a child pornography ring, including 20 women.

Police spokesman Sven-Ake Petters called the raid "unique" and said he has never come across so many female suspects in a child pornography investigation before. He says arrests were made at 12 different locations across Sweden on Wednesday and include women aged between 38 and 60.

Police uncovered the network during the investigation of a man in Dalarna, western Sweden, who was charged last month with breaking child pornography laws.

Petters says there were no immediate clues as to why so many women were involved but that police will now investigate computers and mobile phones that were seized during the raid.'

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"Petters says there were no immediate clues as to why so many women were involved but that police will now investigate computers and mobile phones that were seized during the raid."

Hmmm, let's see... could it be that they are PEDOPHILES and CRIMINALS??? Or is that too bloody obvious??!

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Here come the excuses to why the raid is "unique" Surely there has to be a man blame somewhere.

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No surprise there! Take a look at this article. As you can see the information is cited.

'According to a major 2004 study commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education –In studies that ask students about offenders, sex differences are less than in adult reports. The 2000 AAUW data indicate that 57.2 percent of all students report a male offender and 42.4 percent a female offender with the Cameron et al. study reporting nearly identical proportions as the 2000 AAUW data (57 percent male offenders vs. 43 percent female offenders).
Numerous studies have shown that females sexually abuse others alone as well as with co-offenders. The Dube et al. (2005) study found that 23% reported female only perpetrators. Other studies have claimed higher and lower rates.
Female sex offenders mainly target children and adolescents. Studies by Chow & Choy (2002), Denov (2004), Elliot (1994), Federoff et al. (1999), Rudin et al. (1995) and numerous others have shown that women not only can sexually abuse children but that they mainly target children and adolescents and often in a caregivers role (i.e. babysitter, mother, aunt, teacher, etc).'

Basically women do it, their not forced, and they more typically do it to minors. Nobody should be looking for excuses.

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Sorry for the news story it was just more compact that way.

Also I should have said nobody should should even think excuses; obviously investigators and news media should not be searching to excuse someone just because of their gender.

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    Swedish police say they have arrested 23 people in a nationwide raid against a child pornography ring, including 20 women.

Including 20? The women were by far the majority of those arrested (20 women vs. 3 men), but the article still is worded to make women seem the exception. Amazing.

If the average reader didn't pick up on this, we've lost at a psychological level.

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