Female college graduate circulates cahier of men she had sex with, sparks legal and social debate

I really can't think of anything to write for this video.

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The female commentators were simply comparing apples and oranges. They were talking about men comparing their sex lives in the locker room, for example (something I have never heard in a locker room, actually), but that is much different from writing a full report with pictures and reviews about the people someone has beded.

There's no comparison. She is a vicious exploiter and social predator.

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Omg that is so incredibly obnoxious. I've even heard a friend of mine say she doesn't like how guys do that IN THE LOCKER ROOM. How in Gods name would she or other women ever know what guys talk about in the locker room?!? They don't!

They saw it on TV and or fantasized it, maybe they like the idea of getting 24/7 attention, maybe its a way to justify treating men a certain way, or maybe its projection but in any case it is made up.

I think its largely projection because women gossip and divulge other people's private matters much more than men do.

Responses from those interviewed (who have titles..) are disguising. The Guy on the couch pointed out the most important double standard which is that women facing the same thing would be protected and the man would be punished. A man wouldn't get away with it and neither should she. The psychologist also on the couch responded by saying who would object and what their rank would be.... wtf. She is talking about ranking the men who believe there was a violation against their privacy. When the hell is it appropriate or "amusing" to rank women in the news who bring foreward legitimate cases for privacy violation. ("Oh she's only mad because she got a low rank") The psychologist also brought up the "locker room" and wrapped it up by putting the blame on the parents if anything was wrong...

I'm so glad those three girls shut down the reporter when he got the double standard backwards.

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I'm getting the feeling that the media is getting more disconnected with a growing number of public on gender issues. Maybe its just me but the speakers seemed so obnoxious and fraudulent and the only committed counter to them came from the students. Its too bad the Guy on the couch backed down after making a good point.

Your right Matt, apples and oranges Also she wanted her thesis of conquest to be read by more than three people...

(side note: you mistakenly put a not)

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I'm not sure this is a gender issue yet. (not many cases like this to compare punishments)

The woman slept with a lot of men while she was a student and wrote about each one and rated them...Her parents must be so proud...She gave the "report" to friends when she left the school. She is not the one that made it public, others did, and it ended up on the Internet. From what I could tell in the news clip it did not look like actual pictures of the sex acts were used, but rather "stock photos" of the jocks. The reason I point out this detail is because I think all she supplied was a written report.

Every now and then I have heard variations of stuff like this with men. (Joran Vandersloot kept an online diary of the girls he slept with) and athletes have been known to take cell phone video of sexual encounters and send it around to their teammates. Even in high school cell phone pictures are responsible for a lot of stuff like this w/o consent of the partner. (A girl should be very conscious of where the cell phone is during sex acts).

I don't condone any of this no matter who is doing it. Not only am I distgusted, but it is also an indication of our sad culture. I am not sure what the law is as far as expectation of privacy or if laws need to be changed to keep up with privacy issues and the internet, social networks and devices.

Even if laws are created, there is just so many variations of this situation and different types of media and networking , it will be hard to determine where the line should be drawn. What if you allow a picture but think it is just for that one person and it ends up viewed by many. (I had a friend end up on an internet porn site - she was embarrassed and depressed. Kind of makes me think of that recent suicide - where the roommate streamed video of college student with a gay lover )

Should people expect privacy during sex? If so, where should the line be drawn?

One night stand vs relationship, etc. Pictures vs. written vs. oral report?

This story has a lot of elements for discussion. And yeah, I guess it is a gender issue to see people's reaction of a female doing this vs. a male and what kind of punishment (if any, no one is sure if any laws have been broken).


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If this were a male college student who slept with many women and publicly rated their performance he would at the least be labeled a pig and possibly prosecuted for sexual battery upon a "child" if any of his female college student "victims" were under the age of 21.

Also be advised that this is Duke University in the land of Nifong.

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What is considered going public? She emailed her report privately to a few friends, then they sent it to a few, and so on and so on...

Is sending an email different than talking about it?

I am not defending her in anyway. I think this is absolutely gross. I just think it is interesting conversation to figure out where the line is.

I want to say alot more about it, but not sure how to put it into words, But it is like women are trying to reverse genders when it comes to sexual attitudes (at least perceived sexual attitudes) and they go at it in a very dysfunctional way.

Okay, maybe this is better words. Women don't like that men can call them a slut if they sleep around, so they are trying to remove the connotation around slutty behavior, by trying to make it cool and powerful instead of derogatory.

But I beleive women should have a fear of casual sex. Take the fear away and look what you get.

Hope that made sense. it's late.

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This is a non-story. The only creepy thing about this are all the bigots who think it empowers their gender.

This woman did nothing special to deserve either praise or scorn. She's just a narcissist. She went around campus thinking that every man she ever slept with had it on his agenda to pleasure her to the best of his ability. Maybe her breath stunk and they didn't want to make out with her. Maybe they didn't think she was that hot, or intelligent, or whatever. Most people, men and women alike, would be a little more introspective and come up with some reasons for why some sex was worse than others. Maybe the girl could have shown more sincerity towards the guy, maybe he saw right through her. Maybe she just made a horrible mistake and should learn how to select her mates in a more intelligent manner. Maybe she should have stayed off the jelly doughnuts that week or maybe she should have gotten rid of the vaginitis before trying to have sex.

These Duke women are screwed up. If they're not crying rape then they're putting together a compendium about it. Do they ever just have sex?

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The whole "locker room" issue is a myth concocted by women. It's the one place men can get away from women--except in pro sports, perhaps--and so women fantasize that men in locker rooms sit around talking about their sexual conquests. Mostly, of course, men take a shower, change, and get on with their lives. Most conversations in locker rooms are not about sexual conquests. They're about the same things men talk about anywhere. In fact, I've never heard one about sexual conquests. Truth is, most men don't brag about sexual conquests period.

I find it fascinating how many myths are out there that people take for granted when an examination of the facts would show otherwise. We deal in gender myths--as these commentators do--not gender realities.

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This is off topic but I think is something useful to bring up.

I'm into soccer and don't really watch much football but wouldn't it be incorrect to say that football is still a man's space? Don't women go to the live games, I think sports bars too, and now they watch it on TV.

It seems to me that over the years its become more popular with women; I think I saw that in my family. (Obviously all the pink crap this month is for the women).

We need to make a conscious effort to create our own space. Women have all kinds of such spaces and you don't see men trying to squeeze in. I think that's what's happened with football. Taking your own space but not letting someone else have their's is an even worse form of domination. (That complex could have something to do with bashing men in the "locket room") Football IMO wasn't evem the greatest men's space to begin with and now it seems its gone... lets find a better one where we talk about things other than a game!

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i too played college sports,
and no, most men spend very little time in the locker room.

before practice, late, usually in a hurry. after practice, too tired.
before games, too focused, afterwards, in a hurry to go get ranked (1 - 10).

every time i hear this crap about guys talking about sexual exploits with women,
i am constantly reminded of the real culprits of kiss and tell.

just one example - guys, let me fill you in. women constantly rank men to their
friends based on his length/girth, in inches.

i don't recall ever having a guy tell me how huge/small her vagina was.

tatas, a$$, yes. vagina, no.

having watched sex and the city a few times. i noticed that after every date those chiks met to
discuss every detail of the date, in detail.

hey guys, meet me for coffee so i can describe my conquest last nite?
nah, not so much.

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