A Misinformation Masterpiece: "Thank Goodness for the Good Men"

Via email:

This is a masterpiece of DV misinformation, on the surface claiming to praise men, but essentially ignoring the existence of male victims. Note that she never refers to “Good Women” who take a stand against female abusers.

Here’s her email if you want to point out the bizarre logic: randy-at-randysusanmeyers.com, or post your comment on the Huffington Post. Excerpt:

'Where are the signs in the men's rooms asking: Are You Hurting The Woman You Love? Underneath those words there could be a number to call -- a hotline where men can learn to change -- because the way I see it (even in my most hopeless moments, like when I read about an 80-year-old woman being raped by a gang of young soldiers) we can learn to be better.

I pray, especially in this month of Domestic Violence Awareness, that men will notice all the strong and good men preaching against using violence against women as a tool in war -- whether they be the wars in our homes or the wars in our streets.'

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From the story:

"For years we've educated women about domestic violence and about ways to stay safe on the streets (Carry a whistle! Don't go out after dark! Dress appropriately! Don't walk alone on the streets! Learn the warning signs of domestic abuse!)"

How about one more way to avoid DV: don't start it yourself. Don't slap him. Don't kick him in the groin. Don't treat him like a punching bag and expect him never to punch back.

I used to believe DV campaigns were meant to prevent violence against women. Maybe. But the result has been that it's now okay for women to abuse men. Women say it's okay to abuse men because women cause less damage. The problem is, at some time the guy gets tired of being a punching bag and punches back. He then gets arrested. And guns and knives and pots of boiling water can cause a lot of damage, especially to sleeping men. And if she goes at him with a gun or a knife and he fights back, but she succeeds in killing him, it's okay because by fighting back he was guilty of DV--which justifies his murder.

Women want men to accept their responsibility here--but women keep denying theirs.

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The Huffington post is full of feminist!

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