New DV shelter for women only includes clubhouse and 2-year-rent-free apartments

Story here. Excerpt:

'PHOENIX - The Sojourner Center celebrated the grand opening of its newest campus for victims of domestic violence Saturday.

The Phoenix campus is a transitional facility, designed to help women get back out on their own by living in a community setting.

The campus houses 29 one, two and three bedroom apartments and a clubhouse in a gated complex.

“This brings everything together so the women can really create that sense of community, a real neighborhood where neighbors help neighbors, and women look after each other,” said Connie Phillips, Executive Director of Sojourner Center.'

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I remember when a DV center was being built in Austin, Tx a few years back. It provided free housing, job assistance, and a host of other goodies. In addition, divorced and abused women were often placed on the fast track for government-assisted mortgages and rent subsidies. One woman was told she could get a house with a government loan if she divorced her husband.

When the government starts bribing women to claim abuse or divorce their husbands--Houston, we have a problem. Destroying the family creates a bigger need for government programs. More government programs encourages more women to divorce (or never marry). The wheel keeps on turning. We're lucky the government has an infinite supply of money or this could create a problem.

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It doesn't make any sense to be giving them privileges even if they were abused.

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V.P. Biden recently called violence against women, "the very worst abuse." The very worst abuse is valuing one life less than another for having been born the wrong sex. Under Biden's Violence Against Women Act the wrong sex is men. Shelter and services are virtually non-existent for male victims of domestic violence so those options out of a bad relationship, that are routinely available to women, are very often not available to men. Men wind up gender profiled and often falsely accused by the taxpayer funded, d.v. industry, because of gender feminist ideology controlling the d.v. industry. Men are often battered by domestic violence, and then battered again by the taxpayer funded, domestic violence industry. Credible research overwhelmingly shows that the ratio of d.v. is at least 50/50 between women & men. According to one study by researchers who work at the CDC, in 70% of domestic violence incidents, where the domestic violence is not mutual, it's women who initiate the domestic violence. The taxpayer funded domestic violence industry has largely mischaracterized the true nature of d.v. from the beginning and continues to mislead the public. D.V. law follows a gender feminist agenda/ideology over facts in evidence and does great harm to many innocent men (and also many battering women who need help) as shown in "Los Misandry"

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