College's First-Year Men to Attend Presentation on Campus ‘Rape Culture’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Tonight [9/27/10] at 7 p.m., first-year men at Hamilton College will be attending a mandatory presentation of "She Fears You," a program at which they will be pressed to acknowledge their personal complicity in a "rape culture" on Hamilton's campus and to change their "rape-supportive" beliefs and attitudes. First-year men were informed via e-mail that attendance was required and that they needed to bring their ID cards. "She Fears You" will be presented by Keith Edwards, "a national speaker and trainer on diversity and social justice and college men's issues."

"She Fears You" is based on the theory that men need a "combined cognitive and emotional intervention" in order to change their "rape-supportive beliefs."'

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And the general public remains clueless that many men find college a male-hostile environment. And the few that do see it have no inkling whatsoever why that might be.

A more germane orientation would be to alert the male students of the real possibility and consequences of false accusations and what they might do to protect themselves from them. But I guess that would be supporting The Patriarchy™.

Anyone who doesn't see that feminism is deliberately trying to keep males from education isn't paying attention.

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Sadly, this sort of program is the rule rather than the exception. The global feminist saturation in academia has left a huge anti-male environment that no one seems to even notice or see. Our young men are being blamed as soon as they get to their first orientation and the young women are being trained as perpetual victims. This deadly combination wreaks havoc on relationships. The biggest problem is I don't see any way to slow it down. Protesting such as this will of course lead the protestor to being named a woman hater. Even still, we must protest and stand up for our young men. We have no choice.

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Oh - they must have over looked these studies.
If you contact Hamilton, make sure you have this as supportive data.

oregon dad

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That's a very interesting article you bring up. Women are the primary abusers of the students but also the primary victims, thus they should be dating outside the university.

That implies that they are surrounded by men less abusive than them but they are chosing more abusive ones. Now of course their is no reason to get hysterical about that; you'd be insane to reduce people to one mass, one choice, one "risk factor"... But this does beg the question of women's involvement in their victimhood. Is it possible some might have chosen dangerous environments and men? You know, the same way men may chose dangerous environments. Maybe that is too much of a stretch to ever consider when we are considering which non-rapists "contributed" to rape...

No, I'm sure its more useful and realistic to ask when men stole baby boys and put video goggles over their eyes with image after image of raping role models while the girls played along with unicorns. Damn that patriarchy.

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A funny thing, I as walking down the same sidewalk at my university that I have for years. Just recently I stopped and looked at the women's center in the background. I just stared at it in a somewhat stupified way. I just thought WTF... there are more women attending and there is only a women's center. Then I thought for a second on how most the administration is... you guessed it women. Some patriarchy I'm in.

Apart from Feminism the thing that annoys me about the university/administration is their absolute love for rules. It doesn't matter what the rule, they just love them. I was recently wondering if it has to do with the fact that the university is too feminized. Its just that they don't really even try to solve whatever my given dilemma/problem is, they just refer to protocol. I have to say that I might have even experienced a gender difference with the teachers in that regard.

Does anybody have any new word on "male studies"? I want to take that so badly.

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