Mariage rates in US hit record low in 2009

Article here. Great mention of the economy, yet no mention of The Great Unspeakable Marriage Strike, but somehow with plenty of misandry squeezed in there, too. Excerpt:

'Fewer Americans are married than at any time in recorded history, according to Census data released Tuesday.

Just 52 percent of adults 18 and older said they were married in 2009, compared with 57 percent in 2000. For the first time, the 46.3 percent of adults aged 25 to 34 who said they had never married outnumbered the 44.9 percent who were currently married.

The recession was causing more adults to linger outside the church before walking down the aisle, experts said.

"Men's employment has taken a big hit, and when the guy doesn't have a stable job, couples are more hesitant about tying the knot," said Brad Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, noting that employed men are "not getting drunk on a Wednesday night; work is helpful to civilize a man."'

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I wonder if we'll ever figure out how to civilize women.

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Does this mean that a sizable number of men finally "get it" about the marriage racket and are avoiding it?

It isn't fun being on the same social level as a 17th century Russian serf anymore?

Marriage? Just don't do it!

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