Real Life: The curse of masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

"Every major non-geological disaster in history has been man-made, from climate change to the credit crunch and from warfare to genocide.

"Men's denial of vulnerability and the need to consume and acquire are intricately connected."

Masculinity, argues Jukes, is like an illness acquired in early boyhood. It is, he believes, built on a 'fault' created during the Oedipal crisis and is hugely destructive.

"It is like two sides of a divide. One side is a boy's relationship with his mother, and later the pressure not to be so deeply attached to the mother because it is seen as feminising.
"Maleness and masculinity are not the same thing. Masculinity is a psychological, socially based construct whereas maleness is a biological given," he says.

As a result, believes Jukes, masculinity is "incredibly destructive" to many men who suffer, but must never allow themselves to acknowledge, feelings of isolation, loneliness and fear.
"Men are the ones who gamble, who commit most of the crime, rape and murder, and who indulge in risky sex."

Much of male behaviour -- the quest for power and status, chronic sulking, workaholism, risk-taking, infidelity -- is a paradoxical defence against men's overwhelming feelings of weakness, vulnerability and humiliation, Jukes argues.
"You have to start by educating fathers to raise their children to be non-masculine, and to value vulnerability and tenderness in little boys."'

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Just to make you all aware of it. Feel free to write letters to the editor and the author. I don't need to expound on the numerous lies and half-truths here, or the one-eye-blind characterizations of just who engages in vice and who doesn't. MRAs are all too familiar.

Contact form:

Author's website:, email:

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So when Salk invented the vaccine that ended polio, he was suffering from the disease of masculinity.

You know, the disease that's brought us medicine, engineering, literature, civilization, law, psychology, architecture, science, philosophy, math, and--well, you get the idea.

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Exactly. Ask her of all the many inventions which are the result of men's ingenuity and which are probably the reason she even got to be born were also products of some vile dangerous infestation of masculinity, perhaps, or maybe she has another explanation?

When it comes to arguing with feminists, the fun part is, it's so easy, since their bigotries are so numerous and arguments so based on appeals to nymphotropic beliefs that it is almost like being on a mental vacation-- you needn't try that hard, whatever you do is easy since your argumentative opponent is so badly-equipped for the contest.

If it were not for nymphotropism, the kind of disgusting stuff she has written never would have made it to print in any MSM outlet. But as you know, standards have fallen a great deal and nowhere is it more obvious when a paper runs a piece like this one.

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I agree with the above posts.

Masculine traits have given much to society and it is important that they continue to be valued instead of shamed and diminished.

Everything in life that is good and positive always comes with negative or bad side effects. It is the greater good of masculinity that we need to celebrate. Besides women/feminist may be responsible for bringing out the negative/bad side in men.

For example could women/feminist have anything to do with the promiscuity of men. Last time I checked it takes two people to have an affair. Could BC, abortion (which are highly valued to feminist) and family court systems have anything to do with this? Due to biology, men will have a desire to be premiscouosue and due to biology (getting pregnant) it is women that are supposed to control access to sex. Take away a women's fear of pregnancy and single parenthood and look what you get.

When it comes to crime men and women have different motives and circumstances for committing crimes. I have never liked arguments about which gender is morally superior. A male dealing drugs may have been pushed out of the educational system and have a family to support, where as a single mother may rely on the welfare system. I am no expert on crimes and statistics - so have not given to much thought into my examples, I am just trying to point out that males have more pressure and less hand-outs compared to females.

The article really makes me quite angry as I am raising two masculine boys. I also think the author is relying on stereotypes as men can be masculine as well as sensitive and nurturing. It is not one or the other.

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What would be the point of emailing the author?

We should write to independent but I don't see any point in writting to her. Her language was war language filled with hate. I say let her go about her lost and bigoted ways. I care more about the other people who post or read her stuff. So unless other people hear my criticisms of her I think its useless to address her. I think the only thing you are likely to achieve in talking exclusively to her is that she will get the idea that people don't like all that misandry and she will only modify here rhetoric or generally try to adapt and maintain her status and her cause. I want people like her humiliated and removed from any formal power (author in her case).

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Female sexuality is the most powerful force on earth because it means control over the most powerful (in terms of impact upon nature) creatures on earth--men. Regardless of how corrupt or vicious they may be, whereever there are powerful men there are women REWARDING their behavior/accomplishments. Men do things because it gets them women. As Dave Chappelle pointed out, "men would fu*k women in a cardboard box if they could." This absurd argument by this woman is the classic "like the steak just don't wanna know where it came from" dodge of responsibility. It's the "wife who uses her sexuality and manipulation to get lover to kill husband then says she's innocent when they get caught" ploy. Despicable.

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