Newsweek: 'Men’s Lib'
Article here. Excerpt:
'What’s the matter with men? For years, the media have delivered the direst of prognoses. Men are “in decline.” Guys are getting “stiffed.” The “war on boys” has begun. And so on. This summer, The Atlantic’s Hanna Rosin went so far as to declare that “The End of Men” is upon us.
There’s certainly some substance to these claims. As the U.S. economy has transitioned from brawn to brain over the past three decades, a growing number of women have gone off to work. Men’s share of the labor force has declined from 70 percent in 1945 to less than 50 percent today, and in the country’s biggest cities, young, single, childless women—that is, the next generation—earn 8 percent more than their male peers. Women have matched or overtaken men as a percentage of students in college and graduate school, while men have retained their lead in alcoholism, suicide, homelessness, violence, and criminality. Factor in the Great Recession, which has decimated male-heavy industries like construction and manufacturing, and it’s no wonder so many deadline anthropologists are down on men. But while the state of American manhood has inspired plenty of anxious trend pieces, few observers have bothered to address the obvious question: if men are going off the rails, how do they get back on track?
But suggesting that men should stick to some musty script of masculinity only perpetuates the problem. For starters, it encourages them to confront new challenges the same way they dealt with earlier upheavals: by blaming women, retreating into the woods, or burying their anxieties beneath machismo. And it does nothing to help them succeed in school, secure sustainable jobs, or be better fathers in an economy that’s rapidly outgrowing Marlboro Manliness.'
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article discusses real problems with a misandristic attitude
"This summer, The Atlantic’s Hanna Rosin went so far as to declare that “The End of Men” is upon us.
There’s certainly some substance to these claims. As the U.S. economy has transitioned from brawn to brain over the past three decades, a growing number of women have gone off to work."
The implication here that men lack brains reeks of misandry. This article points out a lot of real problems men face today. It is ridiculous that rather than find a fault with the society that has led to these problems, the article tries to find fault with male attitudes.
Look at the comments
This article is being critiziced. Aparently the world is waking up of the feminist nightmare.
Just another blame the man article
The article concludes:
"Ultimately, the New Macho boils down to a simple principle: in a changing world, men should do whatever it takes to contribute their fair share at home and at work, and schools, policymakers, and employers should do whatever they can to help them. After all, what’s more masculine: being a strong, silent, unemployed absentee father, or actually fulfilling your half of the bargain as a breadwinner and a dad?"
Right. Men simply aren't doing their fair share at work or home. If you're an unemployed, absentee father, you're to blame. The law and the economy have nothing to do with it. This simply another effort to make the complaints of women seem reasonable.
Is one required to think in feminist cliches to work at Newsweek? Perhaps if the authors wrote something that disagreed with feminism they would understand what manhood is all about.
The point this article misses--okay, one of about 100 points this article misses--is that women are not the least bit interested in sharing. They want the best of all possible world--for themselves. To achieve this utopia, they have made children disposable. And they want men to have no role or rights, except the responsibility of paying for women's choices. The problem here is not that men can't stand up to women--it's that men must also stand up to the state. The average woman may not own a gun, but the state does--and the state is not afraid to use them. They use these guns to enforce the will of women. Just ask any divorced father.
Anti-male bias has many causes
Interesting article, but the real issue is the fact that fifty years of politicians pandering to the female chauvinists (a.k.a. "feminists") has resulted in an anti-male society. Who's really to blame for this? Unfortunately there are lots of answers available. Politicians certainly are to blame. By pandering to the progressively louder screams of female chauvinists over the years the books are overflowing with laws that favour women over men and punish men for being men. Many politicians are caught up in 18th century ideas of "chivalry" and "damsel in distress" which have resulted in discriminatory policies and laws.
The next group responsible are universities. They are a hotbed of anti-male activism resulting in less and less men pursuing post-secondary degrees due to the hostile environment created for men at these institutions. It's no wonder that women outnumber men 2:1 at most universities across North America. Unfortunately with the drastic changes in society that have altered the fundamentals of the work force, men have been largely lest behind by their decisions to forgo higher education in pursuit of other endeavours. This is a troubling that, as time goes on, will shake the foundations of our country. When large groups of men are alienated by the society they live in, serious trouble is only a short step away.
The last group that is responsible is the media and entertainment industry. While there is no doubt that most media outlets have an anti-male bias in most of their offerings, this is not hard to understand given the brain-washing that university graduates, male or female, receive during the academic career they must have before being employed and allowed to speak to the world. This results in newspaper articles and television pieces with a decidingly anti-male bent. Show me any newspaper, magazine (do they still make those?) or television newscast and I can show you numerous examples of female chauvinism running amok throughout.
The fact that the entertainment industry is also to blame is not so clear cut. Yes, it is true that more and more women dominate studios and production companies and their anti-male, pro-female bias certainly does shine through, but men are largely the authors of their own misfortune in this industry. For years men have been have been pandering to women much like politicians. It appears to be in our nature to treat women better than we treat ourselves. This has resulted in numerous sitcoms and movies where the male, to produce a comedic effect, is shown to be either stupid or lazy or uncaring or out-of-touch. Is getting hit in the testicles really funny? I've had it happen and it's never been funny but very, very painful. Interesting how men being hit in the groin is still viewed as comical, but women being hit in the breasts, which I'm told can also be very painful, is never shown. Unfortunately we haven't got past this "abuse the man for a laugh" mentality and this model isused by the advertising industry as well and let's face it, that influences pretty much every aspect of our lives. Until men are shown to be equal to women in these areas men will continue to be beat down by society. This unfortunately negatively influences young men and causes a whole host of mental, social and behavioural problems.
There are likely other parties responsible, but I think I've highlighted the top three. I don't have all the answers or the solutions to the problems that men face, however, I do know that men must make their voices heard and no longer tolerate the anti-male bias that permeates society.
How that is achieved is a much more indepth topic.