Breaking the Silence...

This isn't a news story, per se. It's a question regarding PBS 'Breaking the Silence' propaganda piece. PBS had promised to bring out another program with 'balance'. (Even alluding to the truth would probably provide more balance than was in the original piece). They had promised this in the Spring. Spring has come and gone and there's still no program that I'm aware of. Does anyone know what the status of this is? All I'm aware of is silence...

Breaking the silence on 'Breaking the Silence'.

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Yeah, I've been wondering the same thing. And I know my PBS affiliate won't be receiving another penny of my support until they air a respectable documentary which provides the fathers' rights side an opportunity to express a counter argument (the truth, actually) to the propaganda garbage that was aired on Oct 20 '05. That's a promise!

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When I saw their promise I was very leery that they would ever follow through. However, the word is that they have taped portions of a meeting of Fathers and Families in Massachusetts and are working on a program that may begin to tell the father's side of things. We will see. They are certainly late and offering no apologies.

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A number of people were involved in that protest of Breaking the Silence - Children's Stories. Has anyone contacted Glenn Sacks?

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I haven't contacted Glenn Sacks recently. But I read his updates on the progress of the documentary which PBS is supposedly working on to provide a fathers' rights response to the "Breaking the Silence" program that aired in Oct '05. There is some progress on this documentary according to Mr Sacks. It just seems to me to be slow in the making. The word at the end of '05 or early '06 was that there would be a documentary aired in the spring (Apr) of '06. Nothing, as far as I know, aired at that time. I'm still waiting.

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