UK: The new girl power: Why we're living in a young woman's world
Article here. Excerpt:
'When it comes to success – success in the narrowly quantifiable terms of job, house, income – being female is increasingly important. The difference it makes can be seen as early as primary school. Girls now outstrip boys at age seven – when, according to recent government statistics, they overtake at basic maths and literacy. They do it again at GCSE, again at A-level, and again at university. Almost half of all female school-leavers go on to higher education, compared with 37 per cent of young men. When they graduate, most find jobs: just over 10 per cent struggle, in contrast with 20 per cent of men.
Reared as I was on a robust diet of feminism, it is difficult to feel too much sympathy. Having seen our mothers playing second fiddle to their bread-winning husbands for so long, being forced to join the hand-wringing over Our Troubled Boys feels like rather a raw deal. When I drop my friend Charlotte Coles, a civil servant, a text asking if she is around, she messages me straight back: "Women Rule OK!" Charlotte came top of our (mostly male) politics class at university. A ferocious hard-worker, she would start planning her course work long before most of our peers remembered they had any.
The sooner, then, that Bekhradnia's reforms – the progressive maternity leave, yes, but also the abandonment of our round-the-clock work culture – are introduced, the better. For our sake and for men's. Speaking of whom: what's to become of them? Unless you believe in some supremacist notion of women's inherent superiority (and, though it's tempting, come on), things are bound to work out in the end. With the right kind of help (the meaning of which is, well, a whole other subject) they will, eventually, catch up. After all, if we can do it, why can't they? '
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Female Chauvinism at its best!
Unbelievable. Women have been screaming at the top of their lungs for hundreds of years and once they achieved equality it wasn't good enough. Nope. Dominance is what they wanted. Ufortunately most men were too blind to see it. Much the same way that radical Islam has been working and gaining power. Female Chauvinism is just as bad and just as dangerous. This plague must be stopped. Billions of dollars are being extracted from men to bolster women. The problem is, just like if you give a mouse a cookie, he'll want a glass of milk next. Female Chauvinism is only about total domination and male subjugation. Men must rise up and throw off this demeaning and debilitating poison. If men don't, then we are doomed to become the slaves of women, although I realize many would argue we are already there. Remember this come next election. Be it local, state/provincial or federal. Any party or candidate that caters to the female vote is a party that must be defeated. Your future and that of your sons and grandsons depends on it. Just as with domestic violence laws, in the eyes of women, better that 99 innocent men go to jail than one guilty man goes free. Many women today believe that life is a zero sum game and men are not permitted to share in any portion of it. They take the lies and myths that fifty years of female studies courses have fabricated and use it as an excuse to dominate and subjugate me. This is no less an important battle than the fight against terrorism or during any major war of the last thousand years. The problem with this one is that the enemy comes clothed in a woman's body and tells us what we want to hear. Thousands of years of chivalry have left us defenseless to the whims of women, but if we don't fight and conquer this disease called "feminism" then we will have no one to blame but ourselves.
You've done a good job summarizing the issue.
I recently discussed the issue of "role reversal" on another venue. Some claimed that's what women wanted--to be the provider and let men stay home. But there's no evidence to support that. Women simply want it all. The job, the house, the kids, and all the goodies that go with it. They have no interest in giving men anything--except the boot. Men are reduced to being stud/slaves--they help make the baby and then go away and send the support check. That's it. They have no other role. As long as women can do that, they will--and right now the government is helping them do just that.
I used to believe that men in power would see what they're doing to their fellow men--and to themselves. Alas, they're too busy collecting a paycheck by appeasing their feminist mistresses to worry that someday it might be their turn. But their turn is coming. And their turn may not consist solely of being subject to the ill treatment they've dealt out. It may be worse.