German court finds female HIV singer guilty; no jail time

Story here. Excerpt:

'DARMSTADT, Germany — A German girl band singer broke down in tears Thursday as a court found her guilty of causing bodily harm to her ex-boyfriend by having unprotected sex with him despite knowing she was infected with HIV. She was not sentenced to jail time.

Nadja Benaissa, a member of No Angels, was given a two-year suspended prison sentence and 300 hours community service after she was convicted in a Darmstadt administrative court. She faced a possible ten years behind bars.

The court ruled that the 28-year-old had infected a former boyfriend with the virus that causes AIDS by having unprotected sex with him.

"We have to remember that she was a lot younger than she is now, she had a turbulent life, and the acts were committed a long time ago," he told Associated Press Television News. "I think a suspended sentence is justified."'

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""We have to remember that she was a lot younger than she is now, she had a turbulent life, and the acts were committed a long time ago,""

In other words, she was never responsible for her acts, she is not right now, and will never held liable for her mistakes.

typical feminazist gender bias.

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If this judgement is to be believed the people she infected will not be affected for the rest of their days on this Earth with an incurable affliction.

Who cares how long ago she infected them, and how old she is now? We don't use that excuse for former hockey coaches (Graham James) or Catholic priests who molest young children, so why does this woman get off for causing life long suffering to her victims?

Turbulent life? She was a pop star, a career of HER OWN CHOOSING, and she made a large pile of money at it.

Another example of a judge showing favoritism because the victim is female and was once pretty.

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She sentences her boyfriend to death and she gets a suspended sentence? not even one stinking day of hard time? What kind of justice is this?

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