Men Wear Bras So Women Can Go Topless

Story here. Excerpt:

'Women in nine U.S. cities -- Seattle, New York, Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles, Denver, Honolulu, San Francisco and Austin, Texas -- will gather in public spots on Aug. 22 to put the hot-button issue front and center by wearing little more than strategically placed stickers.

In addition, male supporters of the cause will show their support by wearing bras and bikinis.

"It's a matter of fairness," Go Topless director Nadine Gary said. "We want equal topless rights for all or none."

Gary believes that the right for women to go topless should be guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. "The Supreme Court won't stop us," she added

Although other countries, such as Gary's country of origin, France, tolerate topless women, she wants it to be in the legal books so there is no wiggle room.
Meanwhile, Gary is getting support from, not surprisingly, men.

"Guys are great," she said. "They understand this issue, and we get lots of cooperation from males."'

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Despite the prurient implications, it is a matter of fairness. And don't kid yourselves, women gawk at men's chests all the time at beaches and gee, no one says a thing about it.

Attractive shirtless men should expect to get ogled. Likewise shirtless women. You go shirtless, expect to get ogled. People like to look at members of the opposite (or same, if they are gay or bi) sex when they are attractive. It's called "having a sex drive"-- ooohhh, ahh, egad, whatever will we do about that?

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I've a question. According to legal cases in the jurisditions in which I have lived, if a handsome young man eyes a good-looking woman dressed to be looked at, it's no big thing - pretty much what she dressed for, to attract attention. If someone the women doesn't find attractive looks at her, he (it is always a 'he' for some reason) can be verbally attacked for 'lookism', even arrested for sexual assault. The handsome young man is admiring, the not-handsome (or not visibly rich) man is leering. The difference is entirely up to the woman dressed to attract attention.

So, now women should, in fairness, be free to be topless as men in similar circumstances. Can we look forward, in 'fairness' to more 'lookism' charges and maybe state and Federal laws criminalizing the 'wrong' kind of men who admire a woman's appearance?

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Of course, fairness/equality would also require uni-sex rest rooms and locker rooms. Either women and men are different, or their not.

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Nudity and Culture

There is nothing shameful about the human body and currently there are some cultures where women go topless and men expose there testicles*. No laws or moral code are being broken. (*watch the adventures of Mark and Olly. When they were in New Guinea, the women were topless and the men wore gourds over their penises but left their testicles bare). Because the lack of clothes is the norm for certain cultures it is no big deal and no one is distracted by it. In this type of setting I say - who cares?

However, in the USA and other countries it is not the norm. I believe in freedom, but not to the point where it is a distraction. Just like we have the right to free speech, but we cant go around yelling "bomb!" in an airplane or yelling obscenities as we walk down the street. So we have to take into consideration how other people interpret our actions. But if topless women were common, maybe it would not be a distraction. I was in Brazil recently and there were a few topless women on the beach and it seemed like no big deal. My kids weren't with me, but I don't think I would mind even if they had been.

But you also have to consider that if breasts of both genders are legal to bare, why not bare asses? I mean we all have one. Could a man walk in to McDonalds with just a sock over his genitals and his ass fully exposed? Now that would bother me a bit.

My opinion about public nudity depends on how much of a distraction it would be, and anything against the cultural norm is usually a distraction. But I suppose it is our CULTURE regarding nudity that influences our REACTION to nudity.

To Tom P:
I do not know of any man that has been arrested for sexual assault for just looking at a woman unless he was breaking other laws like trespassing. In my area laws regarding looking at women vs privacy do not exist. We have an "up skirt" operation posting videos taken by hidden cameras in rolled up newspaper and placed in carry bags, then in crowded areas the men carrying the bags would place them to film under a girl's skirt. One guy noticed a guy doing this to his girlfriend and he chased the man and tackled him. But guess what - the guy filming did not break any laws, but the boyfriend was charged with assault.

What jurisdiction do you say a man gets arrested and charged with sexual assault for just looking at a woman?

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If they want to bare their breasts out in front of everyone, it's their problem, the fucked up thing is men wearing female underwear to support a feminist initiative.

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If a bunch of dungheap women want to go around topless, no skin off my back. Let's just hope they actually have nice looking tatas and not floopy, small ones.

the problem of course are the typical double standards levelled against men. For instance, remember that proposed law in England somewhere making if an offence for men to go topless? What would these so called women think of that? And want about those laws in the States where it is illegal to have an erection in public? What of that.

Once again, it just shows how little women have to fight for (and just how much men need to fight for) that they resort to this nonsense and pretending to be all bad when they talk of how they don't care about what the supreme court says and all that.

What a bunch of dungheaps.

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